Part 12

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Yoongi dropped the body with a displeased sigh. The carpet made it so only a dull thud sounded, and the blood stained it instantly.

From the floor, the man squirmed in agony, but nothing left his mouth other then grunts from pain and huffs to keep himself calm. Well, as calm as one can be while having a vampire looming over them.

"Useless," Yoongi kicked him.

A loud groan escaped his lips, but he still said nothing. It was quite impressive, at least, it was at first. Now Yoongi was getting annoyed.

"This could be quick, but no," The vampire sighed again, "You choose to be stubborn."

"I'm n-not l-letting you-" He coughed, blood now splattered on the carpet, "-get h-him."

"And that's stupid. He wouldn't do the same for you, he doesn't even remember you," The last few words came out as a laugh.

"If he d-did re-remember, he would."

Yoongi hummed in thought, "Maybe. But that doesn't matter now, does it? Just tell me, and you'll escape with only the wounds you have now."


"You misunderstand me Bogum," Yoongi smiled. His teeth were sharp, menacing, "It wasn't a suggestion. I'll get his location no matter what, I'm just trying to let you live. We aren't going to hurt him, and if you tell me, then I can stop hurting you."

"You a-are hur-hurting him. You alr-ready did."

"No, we didn't. It's impossible for us to hurt him. Fated mates are tricky like that."

Bogum dragged himself into a sitting position, body heavily leaning over himself, "Y-you'll hurt him."

"No we won't. Listen-" Yoongi ran a hand over his face tiredly, "-we won't hurt him. We can't. If that stupid little human hadn't just ran away with him, we could've talked him through this. But no, Jimin decided that they weren't being treated well and that we were going to end up killing them all."

Bogum said nothing. His body swayed where he sat as more blood poured to the floor. He felt lightheaded, floaty.

"Ah shit, can't let you die yet," Yoongi crouched in front of him and lifted his chin so the vampire's blood-red eyes met his own, "Where is he?"

"Seoul," Bogum's eyes widened as he gave their location, unwillingly.

"Okay. Where in Seoul?"

"I d-don't know," He didn't, he really didn't. He knew Seoul, but not further then that. Jimin had actually typed where he wanted them to go, he had just hit 'buy now' and that was that.

"Hm. Well, even if you don't know, you at least got me half way. I can find him on my own. Hopefully your death is quick."

Bogum's body slumped to the floor when Yoongi let go, unable to hold himself any longer.

Yoongi took the room key from the bedside table before he left and closed the door. He put the key in the doorknob before he snapped it off, leaving only half inside, unable to be taken out. He then grabbed a 'do not disturb' sign and hung it. No one would look for Bogum for a while.

He looked down and scoffed. His knuckles were stained red. Thankfully he didn't bruise easy, or at all really, because he would otherwise have to come up with an excuse as to why it looked like he'd beaten the shit out of someone.


He looked up, saw who it was. He shrugged and headed to the public bathrooms to wash his hands.

"Yoongi! Wait up!"

He was at the sink in only a few seconds. He looked in his reflection and admired his appearance. In pictures and mirrors, the changes vampires made to themselves to conceal their identities disappeared. Yoongi's eyes were once again the red they naturally were, and his skin was much, much paler, and thinner. His veins were more apparent too. His teeth were sharper when he showed his gums, and the small mark right under his jaw was visible.

He smiled as he fondly traced the mark. Hoseok had an identical one, sadly. It showed that Taehyung was both of theirs.


"He's in Seoul."

Hoseok stopped, mouth open. He licked his lips before he relaxed, "Thank God. We would've wasted so much time going to Busan."

"Not really, but I get your point."

"Namjoon's still devastated, he won't leave his room."


Hoseok fidgeted slightly. "He-He's okay. And I don't get how."

"He and Jimin aren't fated."

"I know, but they have still- I just- I don't get it."

"Jin wasn't turned, he was born a vampire. He doesn't have human emotions and he doesn't form attachments. He can't, so Jimin meant little-to-nothing to him. Namjoon's weaker, he still has human in him. His heart still beats, even if it's only for Jungkook."

"Sometimes you sound really stupid. It's like you're trying to be poetic but you just come off as an idiot." Hoseok snorted.

"Shut up," Yoongi sighed as he tore his eyes away from the mark, "The only reason I even care about Taehyung is because we're fated. I was also born a vampire, I don't honestly care about anyone else."

"Wow. Really feeling loved here."

"You don't understand because you were human. You can remember what it's like to love and be warm and care for others."

"I guess," Hoseok muttered, "Anyways, I came looking for you because Jin wants to know what we're going to do."

Yoongi touched the mark one last time before he finally turned to face Hoseok. His eyes were brown again, a cheeky smirk plastered across his whole face, "We're going to Seoul."


945 words

Stay safe and healthy <3

Anyways, bye bye <33!!

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