Chapter 27

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The wedding was in two days and I already lowered my chances in gaining his trust. I spoke so quietly at the end of my statement, and yet he still heard what I said. He must have the hearing range of a bat or owl.

I'm locked inside our room. Until the day of the wedding, I am not allowed to leave this room under any circumstances unless someone comes and escorts me to a specific location in the facility.

I had access to the balcony thankfully to make this room less boring. I get to breathe in fresh air, look out at the magnificent forest surrounding me, and see my former friends march around outside. It might not be the prettiest sight, but it's something to keep me distracted.

I rested my elbows on the railing and watched the birds in the sky soar by the buildings. It was nearly winter time and getting quite cold already, so the birds are migrating to an area where it's warmer. No clouds in the sky, and no snow has fallen yet, but it will come soon.

I heard that Germany was in the padded room I was forced into months ago. I remember how horrible it was to be stuck in there for a full month. When I find a way to escape this place, I will make sure to free him. He doesn't deserve to be trapped in there.

I whistled a small melody as I bopped my head and tapped my foot against the floor. I stared up at the sky and got lost in my own imagination. Hearing a sudden thud startled me, pulling me away from my daydreaming. I spun around and was met with a country I have never met nor seen before in this dimension.

He looked very much like UK, wearing fancy clothes, but his skin was mostly all white and his cross in the middle was red. It didn't take me long, but I finally recognized the country.

"Hello, Mrs. (L/N)."

"How do you know my last name?" I asked him.

"Ah, ever since you arrived here I have been watching you and all of the other countries." He explained, making hand gestures as he spoke. "Oh, where are my manners? My name is-"

"England, I know my geography." I thought to myself for a second. "You have been watching me since I arrived here, huh? Why didn't you introduce yourself back when I first appeared in this dimension then?"

He leaned against the railing and crossed his arms. "Everyone thought I was dead. To simplify the story, I survived an explosion after not being able to exit a burning building. I hid in the shadows and have not shown myself to any organization or country. My reasoning? Because I did not want to be involved with any wars or politics."

I took a quick glance over at the entrance of my room and looked back at England.

"Why did you show yourself now then? And why me?"

"Well, it was the perfect time to. The world needs saving, and I know that you will be the one to save it along with some friends. Plus, you needed to be saved, so I am here to save you now. Third Reich must be brought down to his rightful position in the nether regions and punished for his sins."

I walked past him and opened the doors to enter the room and get off the balcony. England placed his hand on my shoulder. I turned to him.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I need to grab something. Wait just a moment."

I brushed his hand off and went into the room. A few minutes later, I walked back out onto the balcony carrying a chest.

"Is that what I think it is?" He pointed at it and raised a nonexistent eyebrow.

"Yup! Reich was dumb enough to leave this in his closet. All we need to do is get it stuck by lightning or electrocute it somehow and the souls within it should be set free!" I dropped it into his arms in which he almost fell, but regained his balance.

"How do you know that by electrocuting it will work?"

I put my hands on my hips. "When my soul and Germany's were released from that chest, I saw that these sparking wires were touching it." I explained. "More souls could have been released, but the wires were knocked off by someone. I couldn't see who though, since my soul almost immediately dashed away to locate my body."

"Oh, I see." He said.

"Anyways, how are we going to leave this place? We need to somehow carry that heavy box and you need to carry me because of-"

"Yes, I know. Let me think."


Third Reich grabbed the country by the back of his shirt and dragged him along the floor and out of his cell as the other was being held back by NATO. Once the Nazi was out of the cell, NATO was given permission to let go of the one he held.

He did what he was told, but instead he threw the country off into a corner and exited the cell, locking it behind him. The country in the cell called out his brother's name as he was being taken away. His brother struggled and called back to him.



It was a sad sight to see. One, the separation of the brothers, and two, Third Reich betrayed you and broke up the deal. However, he doesn't know that you left, and you don't know what he just did. It seems like you both betrayed each other.

Reich tossed Canada into a pod. This pod was different. Above it was a tube and what looked like a shower sprinkler head.

The Canadian was terrified. His body trembled and a stream of tears ran down his cheeks. He hit the glass that trapped him in the pod and screamed for him to be let out.

Only if you could see his face right now.

NATO read off a journal. He wrote down a couple of notes, sometimes glancing at the machine beside the pod as Reich told him what to write down. There was a small tube connected to the bigger tube above Canada which contained a black liquid that radiated a red glow.

Third went up to Canada and caressed the glass as he stared into the terrified country's eyes with an evil grin. He grasped onto the lever beside the pod.

"No! Please! I don't-I don't want to-!" His voice cracked as he hyperventilated. "Australia! New Zealand! Someone!"

Third Reich chuckled evilly.

"Scream, call out to your friends and family all you want, they will not be coming for you. Farewell, Canada." He pulled the lever. "I will be seeing you soon.~"

The black liquid made its way above the Canadian, quickly turning into gas before it rained upon him and completely fogged up the glass. It was not seeable now, no one could see what was happening inside the pod. His screams echoed throughout the room, but they soon stopped after a few seconds.

The pod opened up by itself a couple minutes later, and out came Canada. His eyes glowed red, while the rest of his body was black, like a silhouette, but it was leaking the black substance. He also grew in height, he was about seven and a half feet tall now.

A small puddle of the substance was underneath him, but it followed him when he took a few steps forward. It did not leave behind a trail of the black substance.

Canada opened his mouth and let out a monster-like inhuman screech, which revealed his sharp teeth and horrifyingly long and pointy tongue. Black spikes grew out of his shoulders and his fingers were pointy and sharp. A single big and black wing unfolded itself, and lastly, four tentacles grew out of his back.

The Nazi grinned widely and sinisterly.

"Finally, the experiment worked..."

One Last Chance [Countryhumans! Germany x Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now