Chapter 24

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Even when you arrived at the facility, Germany still squirmed in the arms of NATO as he screamed and shouted at his brother in his native language. No one knew what he was saying besides his brother, but everyone could tell it was nothing but negative comments. Third Reich completely ignored every bit of hate he was receiving from him and took your hand, taking you inside and away from Germany. You took one last glance at him without your fiancé noticing. He quit struggling and went limp, his head was low and a shadow covered most of his face. His frown was the only thing visible along with his tears as he held as still as a statue, a sign that he had given up.

You were brought into Reich's room with the help of FBI and Spain while the Nazi himself dealt with the rest of the guests. You were silent, not one word came out of your mouth. Once inside the bedroom, you sat down on a chair and stared into the mirror, then at the ring on your finger. You were getting married to the man you swore to destroy, the one country who ruined everyone's lives.

To make matters worse, you were going to be a mother soon, raising a child without their actual father. They will be raised by their true mother, but not their true father, which is nothing but a psychopathic megalomaniac, a demon who will poison their mind with lies and teach them how to be like him.

You remained in the room for an hour and not once did you attempt to escape. It wasn't a smart idea with Spain and FBI outside the door, so instead you walked out onto the balcony. It gave a glorious view of the forest and land outside of the facility. The clouds up above in the sky barely covered the sky and the wind blew toward the South.

From above, you could see many of the countries down below surveying the area. They wore armor and held weapons in hand both melee and long range. It seemed like a nice community, no one was fighting or making fun of each other. Everything was peaceful, calm, and quiet. Was Third Reich really going to continue putting up this 'nice' act for the rest of his years as king? Or was he really this kind to everyone?

No, it's obviously all a trick. All of it is, and one day everyone will find out.

"Enjoying your time here?"

You jumped at the sudden voice of Reich. Spinning around, you look up at him as he approaches you.

"Well, it is quite nice-"

"Good! Now, I have great news!"

You knew where this was going, and you did not want to hear it.

"Our wedding is in three days!" He gently grabbed your hands.

"Isn't it too early though? Can't we wait a couple of weeks?" You asked.

He shook his head. "Everything is currently being planned out and Italy, Spain, and Netherlands will be helping you choose a wedding dress!"

You raised an eyebrow. "Right now?"

"Yes." He turned around and let go of your hands. He motioned for Spain to come.

The Spanish country walked up beside the Nazi and bowed. He smiled at you, which you did not take so kindly.

"Go with him while I clean up my messy room." Reich said.

You weren't happy at all, but you had to obey every order he gave you.

"Alright." You said, following Spain out of the room and into the hallway.


Lennard, Maxie, JJ, Pumpkin, and Alostar were forced to enter their own individual cages where they would be kept for the time being. Later, Third Reich would arrive and take them, but it is unknown what he is going to do with them. Right now, they were in a rather fancy looking room where Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador were caring for them.

Meanwhile, down in the underground were the prisoners. Australia and Canada were both thrown into the same cell. Canada immediately started crying, fearing the worst. Australia had to help his poor brother by hugging him and explaining to him that everything was going to be okay. Eventually, Canada passed out, but he still wept as he had a horrible nightmare.

Germany was separated from the brothers and instead thrown into a familiar room that you may recognize. Remember the white room? Everything-no matter where you looked, it was all white. He was put into a padded room, just like where patients in insane asylums would be put into. Third Reich and NATO made him wear a straitjacket and deactivated his cybernetic powers. Reich planned to keep him there for a while.

Australia spoke to the other countries and states next to their cell. He explained everything that happened that led him and his older sibling into this mess. During their conversation, the Australian realized something. He had left his pet python back at the house, unless Reich had found them and taken them, or the snake might be somewhere in the facility looking for him. He only hoped that his snake was alright.

Germany sat in the middle of the room with his back facing the door. He stared at the wall in front of him and did not move a single muscle.

"(Y/N)! You idiot!"

"I-I'm sorry! I-I-I didn't mean to break it!"

"He shouldn't have let you come here! You just break my stuff!"

"I said I'm sorry!"

"Get out! Just leave, you annoying human!"

Your running footsteps and crying replayed in his head over and over again as memories came into his mind.

"I am busy right now!"

"You need a break, you've been writing on those papers all day!"

"No I don't, I'm fine!"

"There are bags under your eyes, and they are black! You are clearly exhausted!"

"I said I'm fine, (Y/N)!"

"Fine, be that way asshole!"

"Leave my office!"

"Fuck you, dumbass!"

"Get out!"

He wished that he had never been so mean to you. You cared for him so much, and in return, you got nothing but pain. He wanted to go back in time and fix every single problem that he caused. He wished he could have been a better country, but the past is the past. There is no way he can fix it.

One Last Chance [Countryhumans! Germany x Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now