Chapter 6

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You laughed as you sprinted away from your boyfriend after having stolen his glasses for the hundredth time.

They rested on the bridge of your nose and bounced up and down as you ran around the endless void.

"Give them back!" He laughed along with you, trailing close behind.


You were faster though, and there was no chance of him ever catching up.

He barely exercised, since he was always busy with his paperwork, which meant that he never had time to do so.

However, you (sometimes) did have time, so you would workout and increase your speed (and other stats) whenever you could.


He was serious now.


Your countryhuman boyfriend, surprisingly, caught up to you and lunged at you, tackling you onto the surface below.

"Got ya!"


You giggled as he removed his spectacles off your face and put them over his eyes.

He flipped you over onto your back and smirked, leaning down and stopping once your faces were inches apart.

"Did you think that I wasn't going to catch you?"

"Yes! I thought that you weren't a fast runner! Besides, you gave up the other times you tried getting your glasses back."

"Well, I will admit, I was being slightly lazy those other times."

"Slightly?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, only slightly."

You rolled your eyes, lifting your head up and planting a quick kiss on his lips.

"Okay, maybe I was being lazy."

You gave him an 'oh really' look.

"Fine, fine. I was being lazy."

"There we go.~"

. . .

Germany wrapped his arm around you, using his other arm as a sort of pillow by putting it under his head.

With your head and part of your torso on his chest, you could feel his stomach go up and down as he breathed in and out.

It wasn't quiet, but it wasn't noisy either.

The countries and their people were doing all sorts of activities, such as chatting with each other, running around and playing games, napping, cuddling, etc.

In this void of emptiness that the chest imprisoned you all in, there wasn't much anyone could do.

Pulling pranks was one of the hardest things to do, since there were so many people around and no places to hide.

But for Indo and Mal, those issues were no problem to them at all.

They were masters at pranks.

The troublemakers approached from both sides, carrying air horn canisters in their hands.

Holding them close to your's and Germany's ears, Malaysia and Indonesia looked at each other and smirked as they counted down.




The loud and annoying sound of a pair of air horns filled the air, causing you and Germany to jump, sit up, and get the scare of your lives.

One Last Chance [Countryhumans! Germany x Reader Fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora