Chapter 21

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Germany wiped the sweat off his forehead as he closed the small gate. He walked along the short stone path in front of him until he reached the door. He entered the building, inside he saw you coming down the stairs with the puppies, which swiftly made their way to him. Germany placed the supplies he had gathered up beside him before he was tackled by the five puppies. He laughed as he was licked in the face by Lennard and Alostar, while Pumpkin, Maxie and JJ ran excitedly around him and on his stomach.

"Looks like you found a lot of stuff." You said, studying the bags full of items.

The German got back up onto his feet and went up beside you, wrapping his arm around your waist. He pulled you closer and kissed your cheek.

"I almost got caught scavenging through a nearby store, meine Liebe. NATO, FBI, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and Netherlands are nearing and we must move out of this area before they find us here." He explained.

"Wait, does that mean-?"

Germany nodded. "I'm sorry, I know you loved this place, but we cannot leave any traces of us being here. Pack up some clothes, blankets, shoes, food, water, anything that is important. Afterwards, mess-"

In the corner of his eye, Germany spotted a moving object and instantly pulled out his gun. He stepped in front of you, protecting you from the enemy.

Australia raised his hands up above his head.

"G'day, Germany." He greeted the country with a smile.

Your boyfriend turned to you. "What happened while I was gone?"

You described everything that occurred in order, from Australia entering the home, JJ and Maxie exposing your hiding spot, and Australia explaining how he found out about his leader being evil. Germany believed him, but he didn't trust him much, so he'll be keeping an eye on him.

"Canada is sick, Germs." You said, putting your hand on his shoulder. "We must go and help him. Aussie said that he might die soon, and neither me nor him want to lose Nada."

Germany glanced at Australia, then looked back at you.

"Please." You pleaded. "You don't want to lose another friend, right? We've already lost so many."

It took him a few minutes, but the German eventually agreed. The Australian helped you and your boyfriend pack some stuff and load them into a vehicle both you and Germany found a while ago. The vehicle had its gas tank a little under half full, so you decided to use it only when there was an emergency, which is now. You, Germany, and Australia put the last few bags into the car and quickly went inside to wreck the place. You couldn't leave any signs behind or else Third Reich and his henchmen will definitely start searching the surrounding area.

Germany hit the gas, and soon you were out of there. Australia gave directions toward his home, and in less than an hour, you all made it to the big building.

You stepped out of the car and the first thing you saw was a grave. You were curious, so you went to check it out.

You gasped, catching the men's attention. Your body shook, and your mouth fell agape with a frown.

"Liebling, what's wrong?" Germany rushed up by your side, and so did the puppies. At first, he didn't see the gravestone, but one he did, he too was shocked. He was speechless, just like you were.

Australia frowned as he went up to you.

"That is why Canada and I fled his facility. He killed New Zealand in front of your friends near the front gates of his facility. Canada and I witnessed it all, so we ran. That was all two months ago though. Ever since then, we've been praying and talking to his gravestone as if he were here with us."

You felt really upset yet angered, but Germany calmed you down. He led you inside and sat you down on Australia's couch while he unloaded everything. The puppies sat by your side and curled up in your lap. You couldn't help but smile and giggle, they were so adorable!

As soon as they finished unloading, Australia led you and Germany up to where Nada was resting. You and Germany told the puppies to stay outside the room, and they obeyed.

Canada's chest was going up and down, which meant that he was breathing, which also meant that he was alive.

You walked over by his side with Germany.

Canada opened his eyes and flinched. He almost punched you in the face, but Germany caught his wrist.

"Nada, relax, they are here to help you heal." The Australian said softly, sitting by his brother's feet.

"Oh." Canada looked at you, then at Germany. "Where did you find them?"

"In a small house a couple of miles away, and look at what they have!" Australia walked over to the door and opened it. The puppies ran inside and jumped onto the bed. They sensed that someone was sick, so they went up to Canada and curled up beside him. Pumpkin, however, curled up on his stomach, which made the Canadian's heart melt.

"Puppies!" He exclaimed joyfully.

While Canada was distracted with the little, cute, and adorable animals, Germany checked his vital signs and other things in order for him to determine whether the country was gonna be alright. In the end, he rushed downstairs and returned with a pill bottle. He popped the lid open and took a pill from inside the container. He crouched down beside Nada and handed him the pill.

"Drink one pill a day, and soon you should be feeling better." He said.

Canada nodded and dropped the pill into his mouth. He drank some orange juice and swallowed the pill whole.

"He isn't going to die?" You asked.

Germany shook his head. "Not anymore. It looks like both the puppies and the pills might cure him."

Australia grinned widely and hugged Germany.

"Thank you! Thank you!" He was so happy.


Third Reich stared at the big screen on the wall, which showed a map of the world. He had pieces of land marked down on the map that represented which ones he had control over, and which ones he didn't have control over yet. Now that he had discovered that the states existed, he knew the reason why one huge piece of land was difficult to take over. He wasn't going to send any more soldiers over to that land and instead deal with it later. For now, he was focused on capturing the ones who were still in his way. In other words, the survivors who still lurk out in the wilderness.

The doors slid open behind him, and NATO entered the room. He bowed, dropping down onto one knee.

"What news do you have?" Reich asked.

"We didn't find your brother or the woman. Neither could we find the brothers, however we did find something." NATO said.


The Nazi turned around at the same time NATO got up ontp his feet. In his hand was a USB flash drive.

"If you may let me connect it to your computer..."

"Permission granted."

Once he had connected it to Reich's computer, a video popped up. It presented some valuable pieces of information that Third Reich both needed and wanted.

"Perfect." He grinned evilly. "Prepare my hounds, we are going hunting tomorrow."

One Last Chance [Countryhumans! Germany x Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now