But I always payed attention to his face, and the little facial expressions that may not be noticeable to anyone else, like when he's laughing so hard and his nose scrunches up, or when he doesn't like something but doesn't say anything because he didn't wanna be mean.

He was my best friend, who I fell for but didn't even know it until after he left.

He was my moon, who'd brighten up the darkness.

But right now he was the darkness.

I wonder if he ever felt the same way.

But I know that he probably didn't considering he abandoned me. But as bad as that sounds, I'd still go back to him in a heartbeat.

I got off my bed and decided I'd go down to my special spot that no one knew about.

Not even Luke.

                                     . . .

I sat down on the bench, admiring the way the waterfall, and the sounds the water below made. It was a pretty tall cliff.

The drop probably ranging to 100-150 ft drop. It was beautiful and quiet, the only sounds coming from the water.

It was peaceful.

This was my get away, it was my favorite place. Well, Luke was my getaway and my favorite place but he wasn't here anymore. So this place became those when he couldn't.

I've jumped off from here before, the water being safe and deep.

The water was very clear blue and you could see anything and everything.

Once I was satisfied with my time, I turned back home.

It was pretty late by the time I got there. 9:00 p.m. the clock read which was late considering it was a school night and still had yet to do my homework.

I trudged up the stairs, did my night routine and then my homework. It was midnight by the time I finished everything. But I didn't mind too much.

I plugged in my phone and laptop. And settled in my bed, sleep consuming me almost immediately.

My dreams consisting of the all too familiar blue eyed blonde.

                                    . . .

I got up a little later than usual, today. The clock read 6:22 a.m.

I pulled out my long sleeve shirts, deciding on a white long sleeve cropped vans shirt. And some distressed skinny jeans.

I grabbed my vans and did my morning routine.

Face washed, Makeup on, teeth brushed. I headed out the door with 5 minutes to spare.

I left my hair down and alone. And headed to school.

I walked the halls, my green eyes noticing people staring at me as I walked past.

Whispers were spread amongst the people in the halls.

I wasn't entirely sure what everyone was talking about and staring at me for but I shrugged it off.

I made it to my 1st period and was met with everyone's eyes on me.

Why the hell was everyone acting so god damn weird ? weirder than usual I should say.

I sat through the class not speaking for looking up at all.

2nd period came around rather quickly despite everyone's eyes.

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