Chapter Seven - A Family Affair

Start from the beginning

"What the hell is this?" I yell.

"Don't yell your Mother and Sister are sleeping" Charlie Laughs again "Are you sure actually saw anything, maybe you were tired and needed some rest"

I can't believe that he is saying this. Instead of being a man and admitting that you have messed up. Instead of trying to redeem himself or be honest he is lying and trying to make out as if I didn't actually see anything. This man has so many issues. I can't even be bothered with his bullshit but then at the same time I am so mad.

I hate him. I don't even want to look at him again.

"I don't know what this is but I will not continue this conversation with liar anymore" I yell.

"Right Tyler you best run off to bed now" Charlie laughs again.

He is staring at me with a smirk on his face. Like he is the king of the world. Just you wait until you hit rock bottom. I never wish any bad on someone but Charlie just has it coming for him. He might not know it yet but he will have nothing one day. Hopefully he learns his lesson before that happens. Still I highly doubt that he will.

I start to walk away I can feel his smile and his stare as I walk away. I hate him. He has really pushed me over the edge tonight. I know that in the morning all will be forgot and forgiven. Apart from him cheating on my Mother I will never forget that. I think I should tell them. As I walk past Riya's door I see she was standing at the door listening. Our eyes make contact. She gives me a look of disgust.

"You knew that he was cheating?" Riya whispers.

"Only today I knew I didn't have time to tell you" I reply

"Liar" Riya yells, "Don't tell mom"

"Why?" I ask.

"It will ruin her" Riya whispers "Now leave me alone"

She closes her door softly in my face. She didn't even tell me why she was crying. Hopefully tomorrow she comes around and I can find out what the hell was up with her. What was she crying for? Why couldn't she tell me in front of Charlie? Was it something to do with Charlie? So many different outcomes of what she will tell me is running through my head. As long as everything with her is fine. That's all I really care about.

I walk into my room and collapse on my bed. I look up at my ceiling, which I can only see, black. At this point in time I am exhausted and wish I could just pass out. There is too much on my mind right now. Riya crying for what reason? Charlie cheating and trying to make me seem like the liar. Having a great night. Mostly Caroline and Diana are on my mind. Two of the prettiest girls I have ever met. Diana with a beautiful aura and a caring nature for all around her. Caroline with her wild fun side along with her beauty. I would message both of them now but that might seem too desperate and they might be sleeping. I begin to close my eyes. My bedroom light is turned on.

I sit up and look to see who the hell it was I just got into bed. It's Charlie.

"What do you want now?" I ask.

He closes the door and walks closer to me. He has anger in his eyes I am feeling extremely nervous now. What does he want we only just spoke to each other in the kitchen?

"You better shut your mouth. Open it and it might be your last words" Charlie says with anger.

"We just spoke in the kitchen and you said you would say I was lying if I did" I reply "So what would it matter"

He grabs the collar of my shirt and comes in closer to my face.

"I don't care what I just said I am telling you now open your mouth and that might be it for you" Charlie whispers to my face.

He is threatening me. What the hell? This is Charlie who is supposed to be my father threatening me. I don't have a clue what the say or what to do. I begin shaking. I stand up and push away from him. He rips my shirt.

"Back off Charlie or ill yell, I will tell everyone right now and call the police" I say.

"No need for that I am not going to hurt you now, I will just make your life hell" Charlie laughs.

Charlie laughs over and over like he is the champion he has won this little fight. He is wrong I haven't even begun to fight.

"I'm not scared of you," I yell, "Tomorrow I will tell them both what you've done"

He stares at me with such anger in his face. I start to shake because he looks like he is about to hit me.

"But if you want I won't tell Mom if you promise to" Charlie cuts me off

"No" Charlie yells

He swings his fist my way.

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