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4 Years Later
Within the past four years, much has changed. We moved to a new mansion, neighboring Manuel and Emilie. Roughly a year after, Emilie and Manuel welcomed their own little daughter of the name Sophia into the world.

Carmen and Sophia grew to be probably each other's closest friends. Those two are adorable I swear. I never saw myself have a child with Adrian. But here I am.

We found out about six months ago that we have our second child on the way. It's been a rollercoaster, as two years ago I got pregnant, but miscarried yet again. and then a year later I got pregnant again, but miscarried again. We are very hopeful that I won't miscarry this one too.

Adrian's leadership in the mafia has been excellent. He is usually gone a lot of the time though. It's a price that must unfortunately be paid.

"Mommy? When is daddy coming home tonight?" Carmen pokes her head around the corner. I sigh, "I'm sorry girly, I don't know when he'll be back tonight." I inform her.

Carmen walks away, going to mess with whatever now. Hopefully not the knife collection in the office. Since she's been young she's always managed to drift towards those knives. I continue to click away at my computer, putting stuff together for Adrian.

I hear the front door open, and before I can even look to see who it is, I hear Carmen screaming bloody murder. I drop the laptop and take the drive out of it, whoever is at the door, I know it's not Adrian, or Manuel, or even Emilie or Sophia.

I run up the other set of stairs after I heard Carmen run up the other set near the front door. It won't be long before that person runs up the stairs, following Carmen.

I find Carmen and grab her, putting my finger over my mouth to show her to be quiet. I lead her into a bedroom that we have and open a book case, shoving her in the tiny room to keep her safe. I walk out to the hallway to see who had intruded our home. I look down the stairs, to stop Christopher dead in his tracks. He still held a gun at my face, no matter that I was his sister, a matter of fact, his only sister.

"Christopher? What is this? What's going on?" I ask, tears starting form in my eyes. Christopher says nothing but continuing to hold the gun to my face.

I hear the door open, and my eyes dart to my husband who walks through. His eyes grow wide in a panic. My own brother, who always had it out for Adrian, was now okay with killing Adrian's wife, his own sister. I didn't know what to think.

"Father is making me." Christopher says, no emotion in his voice.

I put my hands on Christopher's, "Don't listen to him, you know he's evil." I try to assure him. He shakes my hands off his on the gun, scaring me it'll accidentally go off.

"No! You are the evil one Alessia! It's an order! We have to kill you! Because of what you will become!" Christopher yells at me, spitting in my face.

"Leave her alone Christopher, back away now and we can forever forget this moment ever happened." Adrian growls. Christopher doesn't turn to Adrian, "I can't leave her alone, she needs to be gone." Christopher mumbles. "Christopher, I know what your father has done to you, I'm the oldest, just like you. But I'm an only child, but still, I know what he has done. Put the gun down and you can leave." Adrian tries compromise with him.

"No! Alessia must die! You don't understand what she's capable of!" Christopher yells at Adrian in response. "What does he mean?" Adrian looks at me, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"A story for another time." I whisper, choked up. Christopher puts the gun closer in my face, "There won't be another time!" Christopher yells. Pulling the trigger.

Adrian yells, tackling Christopher, punching him senseless in the face over and over again. Once Christopher is knocked out, Adrian quickly rushes to me.

He puts his hand on my abdomen, and puts a phone up to his ear, dialing 911 I assume. "It'll be okay. You'll be okay, we need you okay? I need you to fight, fight like you always have." Adrian sobs to me. I can barely understand what he's saying. "Shh, Adrian, if I go, I go okay? I love you, and I am relying on you to be the father you have been and look out for Carmen okay?" I respond to Adrian, resting my hand on his face.

Christopher began to stir awake, and then once he was able to run, he ran. Adrian began to get up to chase after him, but I stop him. "No, I need you. Stay." I mumble. Adrian nods, wiping the tears from our faces. "I need you Alessia, I need you to stay, and to stop thinking you are going to lay here and die on me!" Adrian cries out.

I slowly nod, drifting away from reality.

Adrian shakes me, "No, you stay awake Alessia! Baby, I need you! Stay, for me!" Adrian cries out to me more. "I'm not letting you go! Not this time! Not this time." Adrian cries. I say nothing, as the energy to speak has suddenly disappeared.

I slightly hear sirens come closer to our house, and several paramedics come rushing to my aid. I try to keep a grip on Adrian's hand as the pull me away on a stretcher, but our grip isn't strong enough and we are separated.

We reach the ambulance, and everything goes dark, and darker, until it all fades into a pitch black.

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