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Alessia's eyes grow wide, with her hands darting to her mouth, "What do you mean they're blaming you? How did he get in here? What is going on? What did you do?" Alessia doesn't stop asking questions, this is the moment my adoration for her ran dry.

I step over Christopher's paper weight body, to get to Alessia. I reach out my arms to her, she pushes them away, "What's wrong?" I ask, shocked from her pushing me away. "You, you hurt him!" She cries. I run my hands through my hair, "He tried to kill me Alessia! What was I supposed to do? Let him kill me?" I grow loud, my voice filling with anger. Alessia says nothing, but backs away. "Exactly." I mumble. I poke my head out of the door, "Mario!" I yell, "Come get Christopher and take him back to his mansion!" I finish. I turn to Alessia, who still remains in shock, "What? Do you want to leave to? Cause be my guest if you are going to stand here and get mad at me for simply defending myself!" I growl.

Alessia sighs, "Okay. I'll see you on our unfortunate wedding date." She gulps and walks out, alongside Mario and her unconscious brother being dragged.

I slam my fist onto the desk next to me, putting a dent in it. I grab my pistol and put in in the holster and walk out. I walk down the stairs, rushing to get to my car. I drive to the warehouse my parents own, where they have the people they hire for killings to stay. So I'm sure Slain is there.

My hands are white knuckled from the tight grip I have on the steering wheel. The one time I really like a fucking girl, Slain ruins it. Slain ruins everything. Why did I fucking hire him in the first place? He is such an egotistical little bitch. I know he was hired to kill Alessia, not her brother. And now Alessia's brothers are completely clueless and think I'm the one who killed Miguel. The mafia is so fucking messy I hate it.

I pull up to the warehouse, to see Slain outside training younger mafia associates. Slain and I meet eyes, and then he runs off. I run after him, for a while, "I'd stop if I were you!" I yell out, pulling my gun and aiming it at Slain. Slain stops, and turns around, "What are you going to do Adrian? Kill me? Your parents would give you a taste of karma." Slain taunts. "Not if I fucking kill them first. Once my dad is gone, my mom will run forever until her little feet give out. She is a coward." I hiss. Slain smirks, "Well, you don't scare me Adrian, you are going soft, you are weak." Slain spits out, which just angers me more. It's taking everything inside to not kill him right now, this moment. I say nothing, "Exactly. You know what Adrian, I think you are the coward." Slain spits one last time. I grit my teeth, and shoot him twice in each foot. Slain falls to the ground, beginning to cry out in pain.

I walk up to him, "This is for trying to fucking rape Alessia you prick." I hiss, then kicking him in the stomach, "And this is for killing Miguel,". I shoot Slain in the shoulder twice, "And this is for being hired to kill Alessia." I wrap my hands delicately around Slain's face, quickly jerking them to snap his neck, but not full force. Slain struggles to breathe and tries to spit out his last words, "They'll get you," he gasps, "S-See yo-you i-in h-he-hell." He stutters and then his eyes turn a glassy gray, signaling his death.

"I'm sure I'll see you there." I hiss then walk away, "Now to find my father." I mumble to myself.

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