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I wake up to Adrian gone. It seems lonely here, with everyone gone. I decide to call up Miguel, I miss my baby bother.

"Alessia?" Miguel's voice is strangely comforting, we are the only two that are close in age. Growing up, it was brutal and we only had each other. Samuel and Christopher were always gone doing my papa's Bitch work. "Hey Miguel, let's go sit at the park we always used to go when we were kids." I suggest, in hopes he would agree. "Why not?" Miguel chuckles a little. I smile through the phone, "I'll meet you there in a minute." I reply, hanging up the phone.

I get a decent outfit on, and putting up my hair and doing my morning routine. I walk downstairs and outside to a car I could use. I drive down a suburban road, pretty houses built along the streets, kids playing outside. I always envied these people, they had it so easy, so simple. I would always wish in another time, I would be born into those families.

I pull up to the park, filled with laughs and giggles and hollers from little children playing. I sit at the bench, overseeing the lake. "How's it been sis?" I turn around to see Miguel, beaming that bright smile of his like always. I tap the seat next to me, letting him know to sit next to me.

"It's been, different."  I sigh, looking out to the lake, mesmerized by the small waves moving back and forth. "How Alessia?" Miguel asks, with a concerned look painted across his face. "Well Adrian, is purely an asshole-" Miguel stops me, "We already knew that though didn't we?" He interrupts. I roll my eyes, "You aren't wrong, but, it's weird, like he seems to be warming up to me. Which is good since we are getting married. But, I don't know," I run my hands through my hair, "I think I really like him. He's saved me at least twice now, from one of his men trying to rape me and then an explosion." I finish with a sigh.

"What do you mean an explosion?" Miguel turns to me, his eyes growing with fury. "I don't know, we went to a ball put together by his parents, and his papa was having us go to the stage, but then he had me go up on a different side, and the stair I stepped on was a trigger for an explosive." I explain. Miguel sighs, "I don't know what to say. I mean well I'm happy you made it out! But that's outrageous, I think that it was a set up, it's possible Adrian didn't even know, Adrian's father is an evil man who's mastered many evil things. He wouldn't even hesitate to kill you or something." Miguel replies.

I look back out to the lake, "Me either." I say. Miguel looks to me, "I can tell," I look to Miguel with a confused look, "You don't really like him, you love him. You love that he saved you and you love that he's softening for you and only you." Miguel finishes, looking out to the lake.

"What do you mean?" I ask, raising a brow. "Alessia, you love Adrian, and I bet you, he could be feeling the same way." Miguel replies. "Adrian isn't like that. He said it himself he doesn't like me." I argue, "But, he doesn't save anybody but himself, and he saved you, you Alessia. He loves you or something real strong if he didn't leave the party when the explosion happened. He stayed back to save you, you said it yourself. You love him, and he loves you." Miguel explains, standing up.

I stand up, walking to Miguel for a hug. Honestly, my life may be completely terrible, but Miguel makes it better. I see Adrian from a distance, walking closer, or what seems to be running. I back away from Miguel, squinting my eyes to see Adrian, "Hey it's Adrian! You'll get to meet him Miguel." I exclaim, then I hear a loud bang. "Miguel?" I look around for Miguel, then I look to the ground, I cover my mouth and fall, "Miguel!" I scream.

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