42. It Ends Tonight

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"Your subtleties, they strangle me. I can't explain myself at all . . ."

Various emotions build up inside of me, some distinguishable while others form a toxic concoction deep within my stomach. My unknowing knowledge of what has Harry so concerned and worried makes me feel sick with fear. He said I had nothing to worry about, but how could that be true?

He's standing right in front of me, urging me to leave with him and take refuge in his small, cold apartment. The street he resides on is dark and vacant in a way that seems far too shady to be safe. I can't imagine what could persuade him to take me from the shelter and comfort of my own home and thrust me into the darkness surrounding his.

"Harry, what's wrong?"

He towers above me like a skyscraper looms over a city; standing rigid, unwavering in the harsh wind. His stature looks so odd after all of our nights spent together, limbs tangled comfortably beneath the sheets. Then, I could wrap myself in his warmth. Now, approaching him with any kind of embrace would feel foolish.

"Lyza," he sighs. "Please don't make this difficult."

He seems so indifferent to my questions, like he's solely focused on receiving the answers to his. It's infuriating to be treated this way; as if my worries and fears are nonexistent, much like his.

"What do you want me to do, Harry? You want me to leave my home and go with you, yet you won't even tell me why. You said it's nothing to worry about but it must be if you want me to be with you. I won't do anything without an explanation."

He takes a step forward and grabs me by my shoulders. His grip is firm enough to hold me at arm's length but gentle enough as to not dig his fingernails into my skin.

"I told you, something happened today. I can take care of it, but I want you with me until everything goes through," he tells me, scanning his stern eyes over my face, taking in every detail. "You'll have nothing to worry about because you'll be with me, and I'll have nothing to worry about because as long as you are, I'll know that you're safe. That is your explanation."

"Harry, this isn't making any sense."

"I know," he shushes. "Everything will be cleared up soon. Please, just for this night, come with me."

I bite my lip. An internal battle rages inside of me, one side being my brain and the other my heart. I want to go with him, but I know that nothing about this is rational, especially on a school night. Then again, all of this vague information strikes me with fear of the unknown. If I go with Harry, at least I won't have to face it alone.

"What should I tell my father?"

He seems to have thought this through, instantly giving me ideas of lies to use that will gain me leave of my house for the night. I choose the simplest and repeat my lines in my head a few times before dialing his number. Adrenaline pumps viciously through my veins, the mere thought of lying to my father sickening me.

He picks up sooner than expected.


I look to Harry for help, my mind clouded with the consequences that will ensue if I screw this up. He nods in encouragement, egging me on as I struggle to come up with a lie good enough to pass through my father's skillful detection.

"Dad?" I take a deep, labored breath. "Uh, hi. I was wondering if it would be alright for me to spend the night at a friend's?"

The line is silent for a moment.

"Why?" he inquires.

My mind goes blank.


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