20. Drunk

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"Tell you the truth I hate what didn't kill me, it never made me stronger at all . . ."

"The truth," I say. "I want the truth."

Harry swallows hard. I watch his Adam's apple bob slightly, protruding against the smooth expanse of his neck. My eyes travel back up to his face, taking note of the way the shadows play on his features, illuminating the sharp jut of his jaw and making his pale green irises shades darker than they normally are.

The intensity in his eyes burns right through me, making me feel small as I stand there in front of him. His height over me proves an advantage as I look up at him, anticipating his answer, although something tells me I don't want to know what he's going to say. Maybe it's the condescending look on his face, or the way his jaw clenches every so often that makes me uncomfortable.

My mind reels thinking about all of the possibilities of his answer. He could be the player type; the asshole that goes around getting wasted and fucking girls, leaving them afterwards. I think about all of the times he's made a comment about my innocence, and suddenly it all makes sense.

Harry's tongue slides out, running over his bottom lip slowly. His jaw goes slack as he opens his mouth to speak, but then his eyes focus on something behind me, and he closes it.

I turn my head to see Naomi striding toward us, holding a drink in each hand. One of them is in a glass, the other in a Red Solo cup. My eyebrows furrow in confusion as she extends the latter to me.

"Calm down," she groans, rolling her eyes. "It's just punch."

I nod my head and take the cup from her, peering down at the contents. I tilt my hand and narrow my eyes as the liquid swirls around, bubbles foaming at the surface. I've heard stories about punch being laced at parties, and maybe that's why I'm so reluctant to drink it.

I tear my eyes away from the drink and glance over at Harry, who watches me with intent eyes. He cocks his head to the side in curiosity, and suddenly, his voice is in my head, taunting me.

Let loose. Go ahead; drink it.

My eyes fall back down to the cup in my hands. In an effort to silence the thoughts in my head, I tilt my head back and pour the contents down my throat before swallowing. My face shrivels up in disgust as the liquid goes down, burning my throat, leaving a sour taste in my mouth.

"How's it taste?" Harry asks, chuckling. There is no doubt in my mind that my little act had amused him, giving him the opportunity to make it even worse by teasing me about it.

"Bitter," I mutter, licking my lips.

"You'll get the sweet part later," he smirks. My eyebrows furrow in confusion, his words not making any sense. I want to ask him what that meant but my chances are ruined when a boy approaches Harry and pats his shoulder.

Harry frowns as he turns, but smiles shortly after as his eyes meet the boy's. I watch as the two of them clap each other on the back, embracing each other in some sort of weird bro-hug. When they pull away, the stranger mumbles something under his breath and Harry turns to face me.

"I'll be right back," he says before walking away with the man. My eyes follow him until he disappears into the crowd, and I can't help but wonder what he's up to and where he's gone.

"So..." Naomi begins, catching my attention. I turn my head to look at her, momentarily forgetting about Harry. "That's the probation kid, right?"

I bite my lip. "Yeah."

"Well you know what they say about bad boys," she smirks, twirling her drink in her hand. I bring my own to my lips, hoping whatever weird substance that's in it will relieve some of my nerves. As I take a sip, Naomi continues. "I bet he's amazing in bed."

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