31. Night Changes

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"Driving too fast, moon is breaking through her hair. She's heading for something that she won't forget . . ."

It's with hushed whispers and light touches that Harry and I stride down the sidewalk, numerous people passing us by. I stick close to him, our shoulders brushing one another. Being beside him gives me great comfort; I feel as though nothing can hurt me.

After all, that was the entire purpose of our little getaway. I didn't feel comfortable going back into the bar to face Travis, so Harry suggested that we go to his place. It was only a few blocks away, which meant that we wouldn't have to get a ride back with the others. We could leave and be alone, and that was exactly what I wanted.

Harry leans down as we walk, bringing his mouth to my ear. Hot breath fans across my skin, causing the hair on my neck to rise. "Stay close," he whispers, retreating only once I nod in response.

He takes the lead as we round a corner and I make sure to follow close behind. The unfamiliar road is void of any street lights, the only light source being the moon and cars that pass by. With that in mind, I grab a hold of Harry's arm for support, linking my arm with his own.

As soon as I do so, he turns to look at me over his shoulder. The moon reflects off of his dark green eyes and casts shadows along the contours of his face, making him appear darker than usual. The sight would be frightening if I hadn't ever seen him in the light.

His eyes fall down to where we're connected. My cheeks flush, and for a moment I feel as though I've done something wrong. I hadn't asked for permission to touch him, I just went for it because it felt right.

Harry's eyes flit back up to mine and a smile paints itself across his lips. "Getting brave, are we?" he asks in amusement.

"I'm actually quite scared to be honest," I say while scanning the neighborhood. The houses that surround us look abandoned, no light shining through their old windows. Harry's eyes follow my gaze and he nods in understanding. I know that the dark atmosphere around us doesn't scare him, not in the slightest.

People aren't scared of the dark, they're scared of what lurks within its shadows. The reason Harry isn't fazed by the dark is simply because he's a part of it. He's the shadow biting at your heels; the chill you feel in the night air. He's the monster we once feared to be beneath our bed that has moved to haunt the streets.

"This isn't the best area to be in," Harry admits as we round yet another corner. A row of apartments come into view, each of them looking shabbier than the one before it.

"Then why do you live in such a dangerous place?" I whisper as I lock eyes with a man who sits on a porch across the street. He meets my gaze and stands up, slowly striding over to lean against a wooden pole.

"It's dangerous for you, not for me," Harry says while turning to look at me. When he notices that my eyes are focused elsewhere, he follows my gaze over to the house across the street.

When he and the man make eye-contact, the man turns and goes inside his house, but not without taking one last glance over his shoulder.

Before I can ask any questions, Harry takes my hand and tugs me down the sidewalk. We walk a little ways down the street before abruptly turning in the direction of a small building.

Words are caught in my throat as we ascend concrete steps that lead up to a door. We come to a halt in front of it and Harry pulls a set of keys out of his back pocket. He inserts a single key into the lock, wriggling the doorknob until a small click is heard.

The veins in Harry's hand strike out against his skin as he wraps his long, pale fingers around the doorknob. He twists the rusted handle, but it doesn't budge. I take a step back as he grunts and throws his shoulder against the door, pulling once more. When I'm sure the force of him would be enough to break the door down, the wooden barrier gives way and opens to reveal a dark room.

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