34. Heart Like Yours

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"Breathe deep, breathe clear. Know that I'm here, know that I'm here . . ."

Harry mirrors my movements as he takes a step back for every one I take forward. Our eyes never lose contact as a thud is heard, his back coming in contact with the wall behind him. I come to a stop and tilt my head up. His face is emotionless as he looks down at me.

I take a deep breath and allow my eyes to fall down to his chest in order to gain the confidence to say what I have to. I know that I can't look in his eyes as I do, for doing so would cause the words in my head to jumble and my mind to freeze, rendering my thoughts absolutely and utterly useless.

"Harry." My voice is soft as I look up at him through my eyelashes. "You said that you would be mine if I would have you. The idea had scared me before, but now I realize that none of my worries matter. They never did. I don't care about my dad, or your probation. All I want is you."

The palms of my hands come in contact with his bare chest. The ink that stains his skin shocks me as I run my fingers over it, finding that the tainted flesh is just as soft as the rest of him. The dark color had seeped into his skin, but it had not changed anything else. It only changed how he appeared on the exterior.

Harry's eyes drop down to where we connect. My hands shake under his watchful gaze although I fight to keep them still. I loathe the effect he has on me, how easily he can provoke different reactions out of my body. I feel powerless as he looks down at me.

"You're not afraid?" His voice is low, that familiar rasp laced within his words. "Like you said before, nothing in life is certain. What can be here one second could just as easily be gone the next. We have no control over what happens. Doesn't that scare you?"

I think, yes, it does.
I think, being with you and taking risks is better than not being with you at all.

But all I say is no, I am not afraid. And I say it with such determination in my voice that even I believe the words that had courageously left my mouth. Never before had I said anything to him with such confidence.

But part of me knows that Harry is right. I am aware of the consequences that will arise if he and I are found to be together, especially by my overprotective father. And if we somehow manage to evade his watchful eye, there will come a time when Harry's probation will come to an end. What will happen then?

There is no way of knowing, but I do know that in every relationship, there are certain things that will always be there, trying to push the people apart. Ours is no different, and that is why I'm not afraid.

Harry looks at me almost in disbelief, but then his mouth forms a crooked grin that makes my heart thunder in my chest. In an instant, he grabs me and spins me around so that our positions are now switched. He towers above me as he pins me to the wall, taking my wrists in one of his large hands before bringing them up above my head.

His hips pin mine harshly against the wall. I feel a mixture of emotions as I look up at him, nervousness and arousal filling my body all at once. Shadows fall across his face as he leans down and I am overtaken with darkness when he closes the distance between us.

He kisses me softly, hesitance weighing heavy on his lips. The gesture doesn't last long, and I put the blame on the asthma attack scare I had minutes earlier. Nevertheless, I don't have much to be disappointed about when instead of breaking our contact altogether, he rests his forehead against mine.

Our breath collides and Harry is reassured upon the realization that mine is just as strong as his. More labored, no doubt, but healthy nonetheless. He smiles as he looks at me through his eyelashes and I want to lean in, but I refrain in fear of him moving away.

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