18. Good Girls

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"She said to me, forget what you thought . . ."

I had always been a particularly quiet girl. For example, most girls my age snuck out and stayed up late to party, while I spent the late hours of the night reading or watching Netflix. I don't know, there was just something about parties that wasn't very appealing to me. The thought of drunk, sweaty teenagers cramped together in a room didn't seem like the best idea. I never really wanted to be a part of it, but tonight I would have to.

I guess I should have seen this coming, honestly. Naomi wasn't the type to give up, especially over something like this. For years she had begged and pleaded for me to join her to one of these crazy events, and it wasn't until just recently that she had gotten her wish. It had been a spur of the moment kind of decision, one that I would regret later, and later was now.

I sigh as I plop my tray down onto the lunch table and pull out a chair, the screeching of the metal legs against the floor causing everyone at the table to glance up at me. I shake my head and mumble an apology as I lower myself down into the hard plastic seat, joining my friends for lunch.

They all resume their previous conversations and I sit there, aimlessly twirling my spaghetti noodles around my plastic fork for a few minutes before Naomi turns her head towards me.

"Are you excited for tonight?" she grins, giving me a knowing look. I roll my eyes and angrily stab at a meatball on my plate. "Oh c'mon, don't be like that. There are going to be tons of cute guys at the party, it'll be fun."

"I don't know," I say hesitantly, preparing to lie. "I'm not feeling very well."

Naomi narrows her eyes at me. "Oh, you're going. If you end up throwing up at the party, people will just think you're drunk. Problem solved."

"I still don't think this is a good idea," I admit quietly. "So many things could go wrong. I have to sneak out in order to go, what if my dad finds out? He's still mad at me for the first time this happened."

"Just tell him that you're tired and going to bed early, then climb out your window. I'll be waiting for you at the end of your driveway so he won't hear me pull up outside your house. Don't worry about it, everything will work out fine," she tells me.

I nod silently, hoping that she's right.


When I step off of the bus my body is practically buzzing with nerves. I can't help but get myself worked up thinking about how tonight is going to play out, and whether or not I'll be able to sneak out of the house without my father knowing. Naomi seemed sure of her plan, but I wasn't so convinced.

I let out a breath and look up from the gravel road to see Harry leaning against the side of the barn, one leg crossed in front of the other. His tan bandana has made a return, keeping his hair pushed back and out of his face. My eyes fall on the cigarette set tightly between his lips and I frown.

He doesn't seem to take notice of my displeasure as he takes a drag, keeping his eyes on me the entire time. My eyebrows furrow as he hollows his cheeks, causing his jawline to tense and jut out against his tan skin. Once the fumes have been inhaled he closes his mouth, trapping the smoke inside before blowing it out through his nose.

I surprise myself and approach him, a newfound confidence slowly taking over me as I watch him. "Smoking is a nasty habit."

"Tell me something I don't know."

"If you know that it's bad for you, why do you continue to do it?"

"Because it's relaxing," he says, leaning back and closing his eyes as he takes another drag. He doesn't open his eyes as he puffs the smoke out, releasing it into the air in wisps. "You should try it; maybe you wouldn't be so uptight all the time."

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