【Injured】- 💊

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¡First request!
Prompt : You helped an injured Benevolent and Benevolent was/were impressed.

                                         ¦Requested by Villa_ger.¦

{Benevolent_Day × Reader.}
The reader will be called by her name and/or she/her pronouns.

«Warning(s)! : Possible bad English, gunshots, gunshot wounds, me not knowing anything about how to treat gunshots, and Benevolent can be a bit OOC. (Can be a bit cheesy at the end. Depend on how you see it.) »


Days City(?)
(2nd POV.)
Saying the city is dark was an understatement, it was hard seeing anything from the inside of your [RESIDENT]. That was mostly because some of the lights are broken just 2 hours earlier and everyone agreed to tell Unpredictable or Practical tomorrow morning.

Right now, you're just reading some online books on your computer/laptop with some warm drink. And you might be asking, Why are you awake at such times? Well, truth to be told, tonight is one of the nights where your insomnia kicks in and made you wide awake at night. So, to TRY to sleep, you try to tire your eyes and drink some warm drink.

Φ{Time skip to 27 minutes later.}Φ

It was very late, to say the least, and you were still not sleepy. You tried to do some stuff from the internet too, but that didn't work. You look out the window for a second before hearing gunshots and someone fighting. Startled, you took a few short seconds before checking what happened outside through your window. It was silent, so you guess the attacker was gone. You unlock your door and look around. Someone was lying on the ground, hurt. You immediately took action and go help the person.

(3rd POV.)
The female rushed into the person's side only to realize that an [OPERATIVE], Benevolent_Day to be exact, was shot on the right arm and left shoulder. To say the least, Benevolent was surprised. Surprised to see a [CIVILIAN], awake, and helping him at such a late hour. Heck, it's nearly midnight.

[Y/n] carefully moved and guided Benevolent to her [RESIDENT] and plop him down on her sofa. She immediately searched for the Trauma Kit her Mother/Father/Parent(s) gave her when she started Medical School.

(Benevolent's POV.)
I was 'a bit' surprised to see a female [CIVILIAN] came rushing down to my side to help me. She panicked a bit when she looked for something. She found it, but when I look closely it wasn't just a normal first aid kit, it was an entire Trauma kit.

She carefully lifted me so she can remove my pink, blooded/blood-stained, vest. I hissed a bit because of the move. She carefully unbuttons my shirt and inspects the gunshot wounds. After inspecting, she immediately searched for the correct things and started to fix me up.

Φ{Time skip again, after treating the gunshot wound.

$Benevolent's POV. (Again.))
I was impressed that a [CIVILIAN] knew how to treat some gunshot wounds. She bandaged my injured arms almost perfectly! She had prepared a glass of water and some painkillers to help to minimize the pain. The [CIVILIAN] was also kind enough to help me take the medicine and drink the water. After that, I try to make at least a small conversation with the female.

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