Episode 4 : Most Likely To

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{Sorry for the long waiting, my motivation goes BRRRR–
Radiant_Day : Yeah, sorry!
Author N : Get Out!! Read the script!!
Radiant_Day : Okay, geez. Chill.}


Episode 4 : Most Likely To (Ft. Albert, for 800+ reads!)


Unpredictable_Day, Fighting Macabre : *Screams at Macabre*

Macabre_Day, Fighting Unpredictable : *Screams at unpredictable*

(Y/n) : Should we do something?

Scary_Day : No, I want to see who wins

Albert : Why do I feel like this is a normal thing for you?

Scary_Day : Because it is. This happened last Christmas too

Albert & (Y/n) : . . .

_•_•_•_•_•_Płęàšë Śťãńđ βÿ_•_•_•_•_•_

Emotionless_Day : Have you seen [OPERATIVE] Scary_Day around here?

(Y/n) : Yeah, he made a horrible mess of the blood fountain

Scary_Day : It looks fine to me?

Benevolent_Day : IT USED TO BE WATER!!!

_•_•_•_•_•_Płęàšë Śťãńđ βÿ_•_•_•_•_•_

Macabre_Day : *Taps table*

(Y/n) : *Taps back*

Albert : What are they doing?

Radiant_Day : Morse code!

Macabre_Day : *Aggressively taps table*

(Y/n) : *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK

_•_•_•_•_•_Płęàšë Śťãńđ βÿ_•_•_•_•_•_

Scary_Day : People are asking me if I'm a morning person or a night person

Albert : And..?

Scary_Day : And I'm just like, "Buddy! I'm barely even a PERSON!"

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(Radiant, Sorrowful, Unpredictable, Macabre, and Scary doing some papers.)

Radiant_Day : Anyone d

Sorrowful_Day : Depressed..?

Unpredictable_Day : Drained?

Macabre_Day : Dumb?

Scary_Day : Disliked?

Radiant_Day : done with their work... What is wrong with you people...?

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(Just.. Pretend they have a yearbook okay :'))

(Y/n) : What did you guys get in your yearbook?

Radiant_Day : 'Most charming man'!

Benevolent_Day : 'Most delicious baking'!

Macabre_Day : 'Most likely to start a bar fight'.

Emotionless_Day : 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'.

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(Y/n) : Really? How did you do that?

Unstable_Day: SELF-CONTROL!

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(Y/n) : Jail is no fun, I tell you that much

Unpredictable_Day : Oh, you have been in prison?

(Y/n) : Once,  In Monopoly!

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Macabre_Day : Fuck.

Dynamic_Day : We've got to work on your cursing...

Macabre_Day: Why? I'm pretty good at cursing already!

Dynamic_Day : No

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(Y/n) : *Stubs their toe*  FUCK!!

Albert: Mind your language!

(Y/n) : What else am I supposed to say?? "Woe is I"???

Albert : . . .

(Y/n) : You have to accept that swear words are necessary sometimes

_•_•_•_•_•_Płęàšë Śťãńđ βÿ_•_•_•_•_•_

(Y/n) : What does "take out" mean?

Benevolent_Day : Food!

Radiant_Day : Dating~!

Unpredictable_Day : Kidnapping.

Scary_Day : Murder.

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Scary: A potato flew around my room before you came..

Everyone else : *Intense screaming since it's a loaded gun*

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Sorrowful_Day, just crying : *sniffs and quiet sobs*

(Y/n) : Sorrowful, stop being so relateable

Albert : Yeah, life sucks and sometimes you just wanna cry

_•_•_•_•_•_Płęàšë Śťãńđ βÿ_•_•_•_•_•_

(A/n : Finally updated! Sorry for the long waiting, School has become more serious now..)


Pm your {Memes/Incorrect Quotes/Vines} request please!:D

Also please tell me if there's any grammatical error or if you have tips on writing! :)


{461 words}

{Høpę ÿóū hαv€ a ñîçê đäy! :) }

Author N.

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