Chapter 1: The Starting Line

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(Tommy's POV)

As we pulled up the house, my expectations were dropping by the second.

They already had begun depleting when we passed the school which looked like it had been in a 1990's movies and never touched again, the old town hall which looked to be on it's last legs, and the grocery store which looked to have not been able to support itself let alone the damn town.

Second thoughts began to rush in, then again my parents had told me that this town was rather big, and that there was an entire other side with was much more modern than the antique store we seemed to live in now.

Grumbling I got out the car and looked around to see if there was anything else wrong with the small road we had driven down. Sure the house was nice... and not decaying, but I wished we had somewhere else.

I actually wondered why we left the city in the first place. It was much better there in my opinion. I had a good group of friends, okay grades, a nice house in a suburban area, a pretty nice school, and a nice life.

But when we packed up to move away my mum had told me that "your friends are all delinquents Tommy. Haven't you heard! They were all caught stealing from a convenience store and tried to run away! I can't believe I ever let you go out with those ruffians-" after that I just blocked her out.

To be honest, I had stolen too. Sure I felt a bit bad after, but the rush was what I liked. The adrenaline, it was something I'd never felt before.

Then again, how would I ever get adrenaline like that out here-

After breaking from my thoughts I just grabbed my luggage from the trunk and walked up the front stairs.

Pushing the door open, I was greeted with a much nicer inside than I anticipated.

I expected it to be be as ugly as the rest of this side of town, but it was modern and clean. A nice open kitchen with an island to my right. A decent living room with a pretty-big television on the left, and then stairs leading to the second floor right infront of me.

Turning around I ask my parents where my room was, and they respond that it's upstairs to the right... So it would be on top of the kitchen. Noting that to myself, I head up the stairs. They don't creak or give out which was a good sign as I head into my room.

Opening the door, I took in my new humble abode. It was a nice room, fairly spaced and when I stepped in further I noticed that I had a window right above the garage we had so I could see the rest of the street. Chuckling, I saw how easy it would be to just slip out of my room and disappear. Quietly I mentally noted that down too as the sat on my already transported bed.

Most of our stuff had been taken by movers and already put inside, explaining why our tv had beaten us here.

Anyways, I just placed my stuff where I wanted them to be, and sat there pulling out my phone for music while wondering if this so-far shitty town would get any better.


As I sat at the dinner table eating the ramen noodles we ordered and I just awkwardly stared at the interior of our dining room. Both my parents sat with me, eating out of their matching Chinese takeout boxes.

The noodles seemed to get greasier the more I ate causing my stomach to want to throw up. To flush away the bland contents from the old Chinese place we passed on the way into town, I downed the can of Coke sat by me on the table.

As we all ate, looks of distaste formed on my parents faces also. Almost as if to distract themselves from the shit food, they try to start up a conversation with me.

"So Tommy, whadda think of the house, it's nice innit?" My mum asked while they both stare at me waiting an answer. Obviously sensing they want something positive I say "Oh yeah, I love the house, real nice." While lying though me teeth to them.

Once we finished up out first dinner in the house, I immediately booked it up the stairs into the room having not wanted to be around my parents questioning any longer

Sitting in my room, I decide to organize it up a bit, some other boxes having been stacked in the corner by my father. Going through some of the articles contained in the boxes, I put my books on a familiar shelf from my old room, put my clothes in the new closet, and other trinkets and posters away where I wanted them to be.

After a while of just unpacking my shit, I lay down when I realize how boring my new life was going to be. I had zero friends, no hobbies, and was trapped in the middle of nowhere. Time seemed to blend together for the new few hours, and eventually I passed out on my bed.

Later I hear my father open the door slightly and then just tell mother that I'm out. Then he processes to close the door a quietly as possible and leaves me alone to 'sleep'.

Once he leaves I leap up to reveal my clothes. I check for any source of movement before opening the window and climbing out. I balance on top if the garage as to not slide, and once safe, drop off into the driveway. I turn to check if my parents notice I'm gone, and once in the clear I start walking down to explore the town.

The street it quiet, nothing around but the flickering streetlamps. I walk on the sidewalk, still checking over my shoulder for my parents until I'm out of sight from the house.

I wander for a bit, checking out the closed stores and houses before I reach the main district of the town. I look around the town park, the small movie theater, and the 24-hour convenience stores. Getting bored, I head over to the side of town I haven't seen yet, The buildings are taller, and there seeming a lot more people. Some restaurants and still open and I can see people in them. I see people on the streets just hanging out. I watch the occasional car drive by.

Walking through the night-time listening to the noise, I can't help but feel slightly nostalgic over how it feels like I'm back in the city. As the memories flood back, I get the urge to 'honor' the good times I had with my friends and break-in to some closed place to check out what they got.

I come across what seems to be a garage, and decide this will be my target. I look for way's to get in, but the only way I can spot if the garage door. I'm sure the entrance has some sort of alarm, so I go with busting open the door. it takes ahwile but I manage to find a reasonable pipe to open it with from the nearby junkyard. When I get back i get to work on opening the door as quietly as possible.

I struggle, trying to feel the door moving. Once the leverage begins to work a bit, i manage to open it just enough to slip underneath. I stand up inside to see cars and mechanical gear.

At first I'm bored, until I walk around to see in the corner a 2013 Toyota Scion FR-S, almost as if it was waiting for me. I had seen it in a magazine I had stolen, and had my eyes set on buying one. Of course that seemed impossible as our family was only middle-class and this car was costly. To have it here right before me was like a dream come true, maybe we came to this town for a reason...

Bullshit- I just got lucky... really lucky.

As I fawn over the car and check it out, I can't help but fanboy. It was identical to how it was in the magazine, if not better! I look at it's interior through the window, before deciding I couldn't handle not being able actually feel the wheel and break-into the vehicle. I made sure as to not shatter the glass but used a technique on of my older friends form the city used to use to steal cars.

Once window was down, I couldn't wait to open the door, and just climb in through the now rolled-down window.

When I enter, a feeling I've never felt seemed to hit me. It just felt natural to be behind the wheel. It felt right.

I sit in the driver's seat, and feel the plush leather material on the steering wheel, before pretending to drive it. Then I lightly touch all of the buttons. I move onto the gear shift, and lightly press on the gas and break pedals. I felt so alive being in the car and touching everything, that I forget where I am.

Because of that I never saw the owner walk in quietly and approach the car. I only saw then once I felt their hand on my shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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