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so i recently stumbled upon the racing au, and having just gotten into cars, drifting, and all that jazz, I literally immediately started to work on an AU.

This is a work-in-process. Please keep in mind I'm also in school so updates are pretty random. The title might change at some point and...

And the only ships I have are the canon ones (Dreamnotfound, Karlnapity, Skephalo, Puffychu, Ninja x George, Fundywastaken, Quackity x Schlatt).


Anyways the racing syndicate will be split into teams. They are...

SBI - Techno and Tommy as racers. Wilbur, Phil are the mech team and on coms/passenger.

Dreamnotfound - Dream as the racer, George as the com person/passenger. George will occasionally race.

Karlnapity - Quackity drives, Karl and Sapnap are the mech team. Sapnap will drive somedays.

Niki and Jack - Niki is the racer, Jack is the mechanic, plus her passenger.

Fundy - Fundy is a lone racer. He wanted to form a team with Wilbur who brought him into the art of racing, but he neglected him after awhile. He will occasionally team with his passenger as Eret.

Eggpire - They race together, Skeppy main driver and BadBoyHalo as his passenger. Antfrost and Punz are the mech team.

Schlatt and Slimecicle - Schlatt races with Slimecicle as his mech and passenger. His ex-passenger/teammate was Quackity.

Tubbo and Ranboo - Tubbo races with Ranboo as his passenger. He once was Tommy's passenger but now poor Wilbur's stuck doing his job.

Puffy - Lone driver, she rarely races tho

Now for the rest of the Syndicate-

Minx - She's the race starter. She stands at the front of the line of cars with a cap gun and shoots it up to signal go.

Sam - The main mechanic of the Syndicate. The others just do small touchup like a pit crew.

Purpled - ??? (idk him yet, ill need to look into him and his personality.)

Eret - Passenger for Fundy, mainly just watches as a referee

Puffy - mainly refs alongside Eret

Jimmy, Chandler, and Chris - They are the race commentators (duh.)


That's about it, ill probably change some stuff or add people.
Plus if u don't mind, i love reading comments, so if you guys could just leave your thoughts or whatever it would help my motivation to know this story isn't going to no one.

Anyways I honestly have no idea where this story is going, but have some ideas so... buckle up
(sorry for the pun)

- Angel

Tokyo DriftTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon