Ramya smiled softly and said,"Thanks to the both of you, for your motherly advice. Now shall we go and continue our session? I was not paid to sit here."

The audience had gathered at the spot and the session continued.

"Every woman was a girl once. No matter how old she grows, the little girl in her is never lost. And love, it finds it's way into everyone's life. Ladies, We are going to do an activity.", Ramya announced. "We are going to write letters to our first love! We are going to write all those unconfessed feelings on the letter. After penning down your letter, you are going to come here and read your letter. So, are you all ready?" Ramya announced.

Everyone started writing their letters.
"Okay, I see almost everyone done with their letter. Let's have one by one coming on the dais and read their letter. Let's start, shall we?", Ramya called a woman to come to the dais and read out her letter.

Many women read out their letters with free flowing tears, some read out with a shy smile on their face, while some had a hearty laugh reminiscing their young adulthood. "Okay, we have only 2 letters left now. Radha ma, please come here and read out your letter.", Ramya called.

        The man I loved,

My dear Ranga,

        I distinctly remember the day you held my hand, the day which can never be forgotten. I still get butterflies whenever that sweet memory crosses my mind. I have never said this to you, but I wanted to appreciate you for what you had accomplished, but, life never gave me a chance to do so. I saw you toil everyday, struggle every minute, but all I did was hide like a coward. I thought fate was the problem between us, turns out it was me. I pushed you away, when you needed me badly; shut all the doors that lead you to me. Fear and cowardice consumed me, unlike you, who threw away all the inhibitions and insecurities just to be with me. Though I had kept my distance, I was curious about what happened in your life. I came to know that you earned much profit in your business, and the neighbouring village's landlord wanted to give his daughter's hand in marriage. To say I was happy for you would be a lie, but I was glad in a way that finally, there was a shoulder for you to rely. I wanted to come to your wedding, to see the woman, who was destined to be with you, but seems like I had pushed you away so far, that even I couldn't reach you when I wanted to. Maybe life was upset with me, to give another chance. Ranga, all I want to say is Sorry for the pain I caused and Thank you for being my first love. I still have the lone bangle with me, which you slid on my hand when you confessed your love. You said you'll be putting the other bangle on our wedding but I didn't let that happen. I hope to meet you soon above and give my lone bangle it's pair. Till then,

With all your love,
Your Radha."

Everyone there was tearing up after Radha read out her heartfelt letter to her Ranga. "Wow Radha ma, you sure know how to get us all emotional. That was really beautiful. Rani ma, only you're left now. Please.....The dais is all yours", Ramya gestured Rani to come up.


The man I loved,

My Ramu,

       The one who made me realize my womanhood, the one who taught me what True love was.  You put a stop to my playfulness and made me realize how insensitive I was. You taught me how to be a human, how to live and how to love. If you hadn't taught me how to love, perhaps I would've never made you stay away from me. But you were a great teacher and maybe that is why, I stayed distant from you. When my sister asked me why I turned you down when you confessed, I said I did that because I loved you. Yes, I said no to you because I loved you so much that I never wanted to cause you trouble. You may not admit, but for a girl like me, who comes from a family of landlords, I am trouble to you. You were ready to risk it all just for me, but I didn't want to burden you.I couldn't imagine the pain you'd experience everyday when we get married. I wish we were born late, born in this generation and loved like our old times. How perfect would that be!! But fortune doesn't lay by our side. I got married to a businessman from the neighbouring village and you, I didn't know what happened to you. But I hope you had a family to love. I really need to thank Ramya. This child made me to write to you about all my feelings. Hoping to get a glimpse of you before my journey here comes to an end.

To the man I lovedWhere stories live. Discover now