Who You?

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Baekhyun ended up staying a total of three nights with Chanyeol and it stirred a lot of reactions from everyone. For example from Chanyeol's friends they said that it was a cute but dangerous move because Chanyeol can't handle another "scandal" because it's just stressful, Minseok as his PR representative has a statement ready just in case.

When Chanyeol was on his late teens early twenties he slept around he enjoyed life... But after many scandals and rumours he just stopped going out and became this new person. Only cares about work. Everyone seems to have forgotten about it, maybe going to the United States for a while was a good move.

He was not sleeping around to get attention from his family or anyone, but because he enjoyed sex and to be honest sleeping around is not even the correct term. He slept with people just like anyone at his age. One thing that people were focusing on giving him hell was because his sleeping list only contained male. Not even one female. Gay... a label that this company was not ready to carry. Even though his family knows and are fine with it, Chanyeol must be careful because of the company reputation and market value.

Now regular young people accept it more but back then it was a whole scandal and shame, specially for the rich, well it's still a scandal for most people specially older people. Everyone knew Chanyeol would take over their corporation so people started a petition because they didn't want him to take over but well he did and he also kept his image as perfect as possible just to show that he deserves the place he is at.

Sehun loving it, seeing Baekhyun like that opening up a little makes his heart smile because he thinks that's the kick Baekhyun needs, don't get him wrong, if Baekhyun doesn't want it Sehun would never pressure him to do anything. He just wants to help his cousin who always helps him and takes care of him.

Kyungsoo was furious. He took his time to remind Baekhyun how dangerous it was to stay at stranger's house specially sick. What if Chanyeol had evil intentions? Who would protect him? This kid should be more careful.

Kyungsoo is just like a mother to them, ensuring that they are well fed, clean, safe, well behaved and dorms clean.

When Chanyeol arrived at the office after 3 days everyone was looking at him confused, specifically because he didn't look sick at all. He walked to the meeting room where he found people waiting for him.

"Good morning." Everyone stood up to bow as soon as Chanyeol walked in.

"Good morning, please prepare the presentation before Mr Zhang arrives." Chanyeol said as dry as possible.

Everyone on that meeting room aside from Jongdae, Minseok, Junmyeon and Yoora were dying to know why the CEO didn't show up to work for 3 days straight, but as expected Chanyeol didn't mention it.

When Mr Zhang arrived with his team the meeting started.

After the meeting Chanyeol invited Yixing and his PA to accompany him for a coffee on his office. Yes Chanyeol is trying his best to impress mr Zhang because this deal is important and mr Zhang is a nice person.

"Mr Zhang I would like to apologise for the inconvenience I caused by changing the meeting date. I understand that you are a very busy person and this inconvenience costed money but I garante that it won't happen again and I was the first time it happened." Chanyeol apologised and bowed.

"I was very surprised when I was informed that you requested to postpone the meeting. Might I know the reason if it's not too much to ask?" Yixing asked because he is just like everyone else, curious and loves gossip.

Chanyeol didn't want to answer but it's the least he could do, I mean this man lost millions due to this inconvenience.

"Unfortunately Baekhyun caught a really bad cold so I had to take care of him." Chanyeol explained.

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