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Chanyeol's week is going great mr Zhang is coming to Korea next week to have their first face to face meeting. This fiancée story actually worked. He ended up asking for a picture but some how he forgot he asked so they never sent it. It's like when your parents ask you for something that you don't want to do but you can't say no so you pretend that you forgot so they forget.

The only unexpected thing was the news all over the internet that he was engaged but Chanyeol instructed everyone to not comment on it so it will die down.

He was feeling so good this Friday that he decided to buy his friends some coffee and that's were he is at... The coffee shop where Baekhyun works.

"Hello welcome." Baekhyun said smiling. He doesn't know his name because he only talked to Jongdae before, but he knows that he works with Jongdae.

"Hi, can I have 3 americanos and 1 black coffee  please." Chanyeol said. "To take please."

"It won't be a minute." Baekhyun said and turned around to take care of Chanyeol's order.

Chanyeol chose a table to wait for his order and started to play with his phone while waiting. Well he was arguing with his sister via KakaoTalk but he was so happy that it was not affecting him.

"Hyung!" Sehun stormed into his roommate workplace "A brown  sugar bubble tea... make it strong I'm having a rough day."

"Sehun calm down baby. What about a walk to practice after you drink your tea?" Baekhyun said. "There's a client in here." Baekhyun whispered.

"I don't care!" Sehun said "He is not feeding, financing me or fucking me so I don't mind what he thinks about me. Now pay attention to me." Sehun said. "I want your attention."

Lately Sehun is having a hard time...just living. Sometimes he cries, sometimes he pretends nothing happened, sometimes he feels like shit and nobody loves him and other times he feels like nobody loves him and he feels like shit but pretends to be fine and acts like he doesn't need anybody.

"Okay baby give me a minute. I'll be all yours." Baekhyun said whispering because Sehun was loud enough.

Chanyeol looked at Sehun.

So the nice kid working here has a boyfriend? Who would have thought? He is so kind to Chen that Chanyeol though the kid had a crush on him.

"I'm sorry about the delay he is your order. Have a nice day." Baekhyun said blushing.

Chanyeol thanked him before Baekhyun dashed to Sehun before he starts to put on a show. Chanyeol put his phone at the table grabbed his order and left quickly to give the couple privacy even though it's a coffee shop.

Sehun complained about his life and told Baekhyun about the argument he had with his boyfriend and the pressure people were putting on him to practice even though he barely recovered from his injury and can't push it in between clients but when Baekhyun's shift was almost over a client handed him a phone saying that someone forgot it on the table.

"Who forget their phone nowadays?" Sehun asked "Oh must be that weird well dressed guy, he asked for 3 americanos and a..."

"Black coffee." Baekhyun completed.

"You know your customers." Sehun said.

"He is mr Jongdae's coworker." Baekhyun said "Are heading to your practice now right wait for me I won't take long."

"No, Just go give the phone back, I can walk to practice don't worry I will text you once I get there." Sehun said drinking his third bubble tea just to calm down after his heated conversation with his boyfriend. "Are you going to the dorm before your classes?"

First love - ChanbaekWhere stories live. Discover now