Sending her a smile that she returns, I finally speak up. "I've only been here for about three weeks so I haven't had a chance to really explore. Mum and dad moved over here a few months back to set up our new home and start work while I finalised stuff back home."

"So that's why you weren't here for the start of semester." Dani asks.

"Yea, that and my two girlfriends and I were all 18 so I wanted to get a bit of partying in before heading over here. It's so weird that it's illegal for me to drink a beer here."

This gets there attention. Questions start flying about the differences of what I can do in Aus vs. US. A few of them ask about my life, which I brush off real quick, but other than that it seems like I get along with these girls.

"Well, I for one could listen to your accent all day. Australian accents are so sexy." Dani declares. A few girls nod in agreement. "I know you've caught the attention with a few of the guys already. Anyone you sweet on?"

As I'm about to answer with a very hard pass, my back gets nudged by someone taking a seat right behind me. Scooting forward a fraction I peer over my shoulder to see a boy with a big cheesy grin. "Hiya."

"Hey" replying as I turn back around only to find Elijah sitting by my leg on the bench below. He gives me a big smile. "So you ended up taking my offer." Tilting my head in confusion, he rolls his eyes. "You're so forgetful pretty girl. My invitation to sit with us at Lunch. You're here."

"Actually, I rejected your invitation and accepted Dani's. It's just unfortunate, you sit here too."

"Awww, don't be like that Australia." the boy sitting behind me buts in. Turning so I'm sitting on the bench like a normal person, I look straight at him and remember who he is.

"Ah, the boy that doesn't know boundaries. Mica?"

"That's me." Looking super pleased that I knew his name. "Well, Mica, you're crossing a boundary again, skootch." Shooing him away from my person. The boy practically sat on me. Thankfully, he slid a couple of inches along, giving me back my space.

"Leila, you didn't answer me." Leaning my head back so I'm seeing her upside down, she has the biggest shit eating grin plastered on her face. 

"About what." Feeling my neck cramp, I swivel to see her in a more comfortable position.

"Has anyone caught your attention?" 

"Oh that. Ah, no. I've only been here a week." confused why she asked again. Was it really that important.

"So," she shrugs, "a week is ages in high school terms."

"I guess but still, no. I don't plan on staying in America for long so everyone I meet I'm blanketing as friend/acquaintance." gently smiling.

Her eyes dart to something behind me and she grins, looking back at me. "That's fantastic." Dani giggles, "you've friendzoned everyone. I bet the boys are going to love hearing that."

"Fairly certain it won't matter."

"Mmmmhmmmm. Hear that Mica, just friends, so stop sliding closer."

Spinning around quickly I notice he's back in his original 'too close' position. "What? Friends sit close to each other. I'd love to be your friend, Leila." Mica smiles at me.

"I think I've reached my quota...for the year." I deadpan. "But thanks anyway, Mica." Smiling innocently at him.

Behind me Dani sniggers at Mica's expense. Even Elijah is chuckling. He doesn't look too pleased though.

LEILA {ongoing}Where stories live. Discover now