"Girls," She called out, making both your children look at her from the rear-view mirror, "Do you want to know how karma works in our world?"

You were in the same place where you met Neosirth, yet the place had no one, nothing inhabiting it.

Your eyes watch with a blank look as thunder booms and lightning follows after that, striking the waters yet it didn't hurt you at all as your legs walking on the shallow water, the liquid sloshing with every movement you make as the river roars. You looked at your arms, red scales glinting mischievously against the light of the moon, the tips of your fingers pointy like those of the tip of the blade.

"What happened to me?" You whisper under your breath and whirled your head towards the ruined gothic castle.

"Where am I?"

"Is this where you met that snake?" You jolt in shock and turned to Irene who's wearing a black robe securely wrapped around her body with a help of her golden belt, her attire adorned by gold accessories as she removes the faceless mask that's covering her face.

"Hyunnie," You gawk, "How did you go here?"

She softly smiled at you before walking towards you, her robe getting soaked as she saunters to your standing figure, "I followed your consciousness here." And then stopped when she was in front of you and held your scaled hands, "And I have to say, it's a different take from my version of hell."

A giggle befalls your lips, making Irene's lips twitched to a grin and kiss the back of your hand, "It's good to hear you laugh again, my love."

Your face falls to an apologetic one, "I'm sorry if I caused a ruckus back there, this thing," You gesture at your scaled, cracked arms, "Just-you know, happen so suddenly that I couldn't get a hold of it."

Your wife smiled softly, her eyes swam with mirth and understanding, "It's a good thing I put you to sleep, otherwise it'll take a toll on you."

"That's not the only thing that took a toll on me," You whisper as you look on the ground, Irene furrowed her brows and cup your cheeks gently with her cold hands, making you look at her.

"Tell me honestly what you're feeling baby," She coaxed, "I need to know."

An exhausted sigh breaks past your lip, "I don't know actually," You break away from her gaze and to the castle, "I was-pent up in frustration on trying to understand him, not only that, I was-I felt like a fool." You finally spew out and leaned against her cold frame. Irene looked up in the dark clouds, her hand caressing your back as you bask in her intimacy.

"I'm sorry for putting you in such a position." She mumbled, "I never should have made you choose to sit with them."

"And I should have never let the twins see that," You groaned, "And don't fret about it Hyun, it's better to have his mask off rather than be an idiot and make him keep up with his charade." You sighed and circled your hands around her neck, "Can you wake me up? My feet are wet."

She snorted and leaned in to capture your lips with hers for a soft kiss. You sigh in bliss and close our eyes as you mold your lips against hers, she tilted her head and deepen the kiss, her hands coiling around your waist, pulling you close as your stomach turned to mush, spinning, and twisting, in a good way of course, and then she pulled away.

You pant softly, her lips forming to a soft smile, "Sure, I'll wake you up first, ok vixen?"

A warm smile plasters on your face, "Alright, hit me up."

She snapped her fingers, everything becoming windy as a blinding flash of light consumes you. You gasp and jolt upright in the mattress as Joohyun sits next to you and immediately wrapped her arms around you, your lungs burned making you throw into a coughing fit, "I got you, baby, I got you." She soothingly whispers in your ear. Rushed footsteps echo from the other room as Jiwoo busts the door open.

"Mom!" She panted like a madman, her hair disheveled and messy, another pair of feet followed.

"Jiwoo!" Jiah called out, "What's the ruckus-" Jiah stopped when she sees your cuddled figure against Irene. "Mom!"

They both lunged and wrapped their arms around you and your wife, making you grunt softly as they crush you with their hugs, "Jiah!" Irene scolds, "Jiwoo! Careful she had just woken up-"

"Yeah yeah," Jiah snickered, "Sorry mom."

"Me too," Jiwoo mumbled as she buries her face against your back. You pulled back to see Irene wearing a yellow wool sweater and white pants, while the twins wore hoodies and shorts for Jiah, sweatpants.

You give them a soft look before furrowing your brows as the small of charred wood or gasoline etched on your nose. "Is it just me, or do you and your sister smell like gasoline?"

Irene's eyes widen as the twins looked anywhere but at you.

15 minutes earlier

Jiah has her spear on her hand, whilst Jiwoo had her bow trained on the car of their dear ol' grandfather's property, "So what should we do?" She asks the black-haired beauty, Jiah shrugged and scrolled through her phone.

"I don't know," She answers nonchalantly, "Mom says we can do anything as long as it doesn't kill him, she'll save a special punishment for his shriveled soul."

"Should we burn his lawn?"

"Nah," Jiah thwarts as gas materializes on her hand, "That car looks new, wanna destroy it?" Jiwoo snorts and shakes her head, "What are we? Amateurs?"

She stands up and patted down her clothes, "We burn both his lawn and his stupid car."

Jiah's lips twitched to a mischievous smirk on her face, "Yeah, let's go for it."

Jiah's spearhead and Jiwoo's bow lit up in flames, Jiah closed her eyes and muttered something under her breath before throwing her weapon ablaze, Jiwoo draws her bow and trained her aim at the car, where the hood was in clear range and lets go of her hold. Once both weapons land on the lawn and the car, fire began to spread rapidly, they both watch as the car blew, parts land randomly at each place as the stupidly decorated lawn burns to ash.

From the distance, they see the lights of the house turn on, and it was their cue to leave.



The twins smirked, "That's only the beginning."

Jiah's eyes turned red whilst Jiwoo's eyes turned gold.

They both said in unison, their voices distorted and deep, "And we have more in store for you."

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