Chapter 43

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I woke up with a stinging ache in my body, my vision clouded and distorted, I whimper in pain as my hands feel sore and awkward, as if they had been stuck in an uncomfortable position. I gather my strength, or whatever was left in my body to at least sit up, wincing when my ribs protest.

"Hyunie?" I called, my voice hoarse and vulnerable.


I move again. "Hyun?" 


Right, I was abducted.

I turn my head to the side over my shoulder, to my annoyance and surprise, my hands are in chains that's secured to a pole, a rusty one at that. I scan my surroundings, it looks like I'm stuck in the attic, or is it a loft? The floor boards were old and creaky when I shuffle to look around again, dirty, that's how I'll call the place, dirty. 

Cobwebs here and there, the window's dusty which is already a disadvantage since I can't see the building of the structure on the other side, heck the situation I'm in right now is a disadvantage. I remembered my phone being slammed to a wall while trying to call for an ambulance.

"Shit," I cursed. "Irene!" 

I heard footsteps ascending here, I try to scramble to look for a weapon, groan as my rib protested against my movements but I mentally sneered at myself. Even with a weapon, I'm helpless against my kidnapper. I try to calm my raging heart, feeling as if I were to explode, my hands and legs shake vigorously as I try to calm myself.

The door opens, revealing the same man who broke my rib. He wore a smug look in his face he held nothing as he sits on the floor, he stared at me with a now blank look.

"How are you feeling?" He asked with dull eyes. I scoffed, "Feeling uncomfortable and dirty." 

He chuckled wryly, "Good." 

I give him a look, "What do you want from me?" He says nothing and looks around the area. "This place may be filthy but it'll work." I said nothing and glowered at him.

"Where the hell am I?" 

He grins menacingly, "Oh you don't have to know, and it's better that way."

Sooner or later Irene will have your head....that is, if she finds out where I am.

"You're mighty quite over there Y/N," He leans his head as if urging for me to speak, "Something wrong?"

I snickered, "I don't know, maybe the fact that I can't seem to breathe properly is because YOU BROKE MY FUCKING RIB!" He tsked and an unknown force pressed my rib, causing me to yelp.

"Didn't I told you before?" He glared as he stands up. "Watch your tone, you stand before an angel." 

I return his glare, "You don't deserve to be one." I spat, his lips curled. "Come again?" 

"I said you don't deserve to be one!" He stalks toward me with dark eyes, how ironic coming from an angel. "Shut up you bastard."

My jaw immediately snapped shut, the word making my blood boil, "No you shut up you asshole."

His fingers clench to fist and struck my head, I groan at the contact as I feel pain shoot up my skull, "Careful now, I don't want to break you." He inhaled sharply, "Not when I need to accomplish my duty."

"Wh-what duty," I manage to spat as he guffaws. "Termination of Hwang Hyunjin."

Anger flared inside me again, "He's just a young man, what do you want from him?" He growls and grabs me by the hair, I winced when he pulled me close, my broken rib poking my lungs. 

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