We're Not Worthy

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3rd Person POV

SADIE: Things weren't looking great. And then Dr Saltzman woke us up at 5 in the morning and I wanted to kill him cause I had fallen asleep at 3. Thinking about Hope in a coma somewhere in Josie's subconscious....or somewhere in like limbo or something cause Josie is awake now has me anxious

"I know we've been through a lot in the last few days." Dr Saltzman announces to the group in the assembly hall. Raf and Sadie next to each other share a look. "Well, months, really. Okay, uh, it's been a rough couple years, to be honest. And I wish I could say the worst was over. But no matter what comes next, I firmly believe that we will be able to get through it if we stand united as a school, a community–"

Alyssa clears her throat, standing up. "Sorry, just for clarification, does 'our community' include your daughter, who murdered me and held the entire school hostage to stage a grotesque display of black magic power?" Alyssa asks

"Josie is back to normal and safe." Dr Saltzman announces

"Thanks to Hope, who I'm noticing isn't here at the ass crack of dawn like the rest of us." Alyssa says. "So much for unity, I guess."

"Hope, I'm sure you all can understand, was hit hard by what happened to Landon, and she's just taking some time for herself." Dr Saltzman says

"Speaking of, how is my boy Landon?" Wade asks

"Getting Landon back is my top priority, and I won't stop until I do." Dr Saltzman says. "And that would go for any one of you."

"Okay, so, what are we supposed to do now? And why are we all wearing gym clothes?" Kaleb questions

"Am I in gym clothes?" Sadie questions Raf next to her in a whisper

"You're in a hoodie and leggings." Raf whispers

"That didn't answer my question." Sadie tells him

"You're in your regular day clothes." Raf whispers with a small laugh. "I have yet to see you wear anything else."

"Something you haven't had a chance to do in far too long: be kids." Dr Saltzman announces. "I want you to remember what it's like to not have to worry about something you shouldn't have to and grow closer together in the process. Now, before you ask me how... As president of the Student Activities Committee, I'd like to welcome you all to the first ever Salvatore School Field Day. The buses are waiting for you outside. Don't forget to bring your smiles."

...immediately after the meeting...

"A freaking field day?" Lizzie questions her father, catching up to him in the hallway. "As in an entire day spent in an actual field. That's your plan to get everyone to stop looking at Jo like she's an ax murderer?"

"Have you got a better one?" Dr Saltzman asks

"I'm so glad that you asked." Lizzie says, holding out a binder. "Based on my own personal growth, I have created a 17 step approach."

"Elizabeth, I have got time for exactly one step, and that involves you looking out for your sister while I deal with Landon, among many other things." Dr Saltzman says

"Dad, that's impossible." Lizzie says. "I'll have to deploy the nuclear option, which is me backsliding to using my mean girl bully pulpit to persuade everyone to forgive and forget all the awful things that Jo did. And I'm just not that person anymore."

"Lizzie?" Josie calls, walking into the hallway with dodgeballs. She slips and they all go flying

Alyssa walks in, laughing with a few other witches. "Oh, careful, witches." Alyssa stops them. "Don't let her catch you laughing, or she might snap. Your necks, that is." She says in a mocking tone to Josie

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