JJ and I sat in the waiting room of the doctor's office, I was reading through the pamphlets and magazines that were scattered out across the waiting room tables as JJ finished answering his emails.

"Did you know twenty percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage?" I looked over at JJ and judging by the look on his face I'm sure that he was annoyed, "What? That's what it says."

"You need to stop." He grabbed the pamphlet from my hands and placed it back on the table in front of us, "All this worrying is not helping you or the baby."

"I'm just trying to educate myself." I protested, "I was young when I was pregnant with Noah. I didn't know about all of this stuff."

"Emma, just stop."

Yep. He was frustrated.

"I know you and I know how your mind works." He looked up at me from his phone, "You're not just trying to educate yourself. You're putting thoughts in your head that don't need to be there and then you're going to keep me up half of the night because you're thinking these thoughts you don't need to be thinking."

Okay. Maybe he was right. I am prone to worrying and I do over think things more than I should. And it's true; I am guilty of keeping him up with the silly things I worry about. Bless his heart because he was always more than patient with me even when I knew I was driving him absolutely crazy.

"Emma Cahill-Watt." The nurse, Wendy, appeared in the doorway as she read from the clipboard in her hands. We had hyphenated my last name for now knowing that in just a few short weeks we would be married and I would no longer be Emma Cahill.

JJ stood up reaching his hand out for me and I happily accepted it as we made our way to the nurse. After greeting us very welcomingly, she lead us to the back where all of the exam rooms were tucked away.

She asked me to step on the scale and I looked over at JJ who stood with a stupid smirk on his face. He knew how sensitive I was about my weight this morning and gave my hand a squeeze as I stepped on the black platform.

"Your weight is perfect for your progress." She smiled at me kindly, the lines around her brown eyes crinkling, "Keep doing what you're doing. Keep sending that husband of yours on snack runs."

JJ and I both laughed at how it was just understood that he was always making craving runs for me, but I will say she was spot on. I do send him out to feed my cravings and I am one lucky girl because he does so without a single complaint.

"You guys can go ahead and take a seat in here." Wendy pointed to an open room to her right, "The doctor should be in with you shortly."

I got situated on the exam table and JJ took a seat in the chair beside me.

"You ready for this?" I asked; we were eager for our ultrasound, to hear how our little one was doing and to hear that we're out of the danger zone.

"More than ready." He nodded and I smiled at him, he was so patient with me and I loved him for it.

"Hello." Dr. Mack smiled as she walked through the door, "How are you guys?"

"Good." JJ and I looked at each other as we smiled.

"How are you feeling mom?" Dr. Mack smiled at me as she was curious to know how I was managing.

"I'm great." I smiled at her, "I feel good. Just emotional."

"That's an understatement." JJ piped in and the doctor laughed as I shot him a look.

"No pains or anything?" She questioned, "Or do you have any questions or concerns?"

"No." I shook my head as I looked between JJ and her.

"Great." She made a few notes on my folder before washing her hands at the sink, "Are we ready to look at the baby?"

"Yes." I reached for JJ's hand as he stood from his chair moving closer to the exam table.

Dr. Mack slipped on her blue gloves before rolling up the hem of my shirt exposing my small, yet growing bump. She squeezed the cold jelly on my stomach and I nearly jumped, it was so cold against my warm skin and I couldn't help but to cringe.

"I guess I should've warned you about it being cold." Dr. Mack laughed.

She began to move the gel around my belly with the ultrasound tool, watching the screen as JJ and I joined her. Before we knew it the sound of little Watt's heartbeat filled the room.

"Here's your baby mom and dad." She smiled as she pointed to a small blurb on the screen.

I looked up to see JJ's face; I wanted to remember his expression in this moment. I loved being able to experience this with him and I knew he was beside himself.

"Everything looks and sounds normal." Dr. Mack assured us as she continued to check things out before looking over at us, "What do you think dad?"

"It's amazing." JJ was beaming as I smiled at him, it was amazing to hear the heartbeat of the little life we created and to see little Watt for the first time.

JJ looked at me and pressed his lips against mine, we couldn't help but to smile as we shared this together. There is no one else in this world I would rather have beside me than him.

"I love you." JJ's sudden outburst surprised me but made my heart flutter, he has the tendency to do that.

"I love you too babe." I smiled at him before kissing his large hand that was intertwined with mine.

Dr. Mack cleaned me up and finished with my exam, but my mind was still on the little one. I couldn't believe I was going to be a mother again. I couldn't believe I was going through all of this with JJ. I never imagined my life would turn out the way it has but I know one thing is for sure, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I was beyond blessed.

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