Chapters 14-15

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Chapter 14

Enduring the Sea: The Tricks of a Conjurer

 Back upon the shore of the Sea City, the witch was vexed with fury, for she could feel the shift of energy and knew that she was not alone. There was another with the power of Oriki that grew strong upon the powerful deep. Such a one would take much to contend with. Gwyniah knew that she could not fight the young Oracle apprentice and remain in control of the star that beamed bright in the night firmament. Her frustration amplified when she glanced over at the slumbering king who snored obnoxiously.

“Wake up! The girl aids him!”

“Uh, no, mummy, save me the bottom of the bowl!” the sleepy king howled, half asleep, and Gwyniah threw a pebble that had been resting upon the ground near her at him. She was red in the face with annoyance and disgust for the king who had no idea that she was there. King Septimus jumped to his feet and looked about in a panic.

“Ah . . . oh, what is it? What happened? Are we being ambushed? Gumgis . . . !”

“Argh! Calm down, you idiot! You are not under attack. I threw a stone at you because you snore like an obnoxious toad!”

The king turned beet red.


“The girl aids him!” the witch repeated to the unhelpful king as he repositioned himself back in the chair he had been snoozing in. She rolled her eyes and continued to rant. King Septimus began to nod off but tried to stay awake, for he did not want her to turn him into a toad for certain this time.

“I will show her why not to interfere!” Gwyniah growled harshly as she began to devilishly plot. Her fingers awkwardly bent over her seeing sphere, and she mumbled a hex. Inaudible to the king, who momentarily slept, the words she spoke were potent indeed. The malice in her heart poured over the sphere and enveloped her words like the sting of a scorpion that none could escape once it had landed upon them.

Out upon the sea, there came a sound of thunder from above in the dark sky. Lightning brewed in bright flashes of purple and pale yellow. Klever watched in pure dismay as Jesub woke, startled at the sound the crackle had made. To his surprise, Klever and Dumago were awake, so was Teropen, but Atoria slept through it. He looked around at the others. Dumago was calm as always, so one could rarely judge the gravity

of the situation by his demeanor. Klever, however, was rigid. He knew that he would have to endure; although, it did not comfort him that he must prepare to fight the sea. He was glad he was not alone.

“What is it? What is happening?” Jesub inquired sleepily.

“There has come a storm. Awaken, we must be alert,” Dumago whispered calmly as he looked out at the waters that had become wild and choppy. Klever was wide-eyed. He did not like being upon the sea. It made him feel squeamish. His face was a light pale with a hint of green. Jesub looked at him and grabbed his arm. He knew that his friend was getting sick, and it was poor timing to do so, but he held on to him, for he did not want him to slip from the boat due to a dry heave.

“Hold on!” Dumago’s voice boomed as he paddled with all his strength. The thunder clapped at the necromancer’s command, and the sea began to rage. The waves climbed fifteen feet high and rolled their small boat up and down. Klever became sicker as he held on to the side of the boat, and the water splashed upon his face. Jesub held on to him and kept a firm grip upon the starboard side of the boat. Atoria was awake now, and she stumbled to help Dumago steer the boat with the oar that lay dormant beneath their feet. Teropen squirmed. The water splashed upon him, and he struggled to breathe. Klever reached toward the warlukite who was suffocating in a panic.

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