Chapter 12-13

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Chapter 12

A Moment Alone: the Talk of Old Friends

“The boy travels with four Gamadin Warluki . . . one bound as a captive, surely for his treachery. The witch paid a despicable visit, though to her disliking, they were already gone. I had sent them through the old tunnel. There was an energy…that lingered about the young man that I could not place or know for sure what exactly it was. Something I could not see followed him. It did not seem to mean him any harm, so I did not worry.”

“I see . . .”

“With one of the warluki being a captive, perhaps belonging to the last remaining pack of purebreds, which may also be in pursuit of the Stalker, it may slow them. I pray, not much. I suppose, if they are indeed still in pursuit, that they know not of the witch. Gwyniah travels in the direction of the main seaport, but I doubt she will stay there for long. I sent the young man and his companions through the tunnel merely a half hour ahead of her. I do not know how well it has held up over the years, but it was our only option to get them to safety,” Victoria confided as they walked slowly against the breeze, taking a turn about the trees so as to remain close to the others. The Oracle was pensive. She knew the chances of Klever’s fate. It was more likely that he would succeed, but there was a chance, though small, that he could…fail. If ever he gave up. She had not told him or anyone else of that, for the knowledge of it was her burden, and hers alone to bear.

“You have done well, Elder. I suppose you told them that the journey would be across sea?”

Victoria nodded as she looked back at the crowd that waited. She was joined in her gaze upon them as Atenda smiled, for she knew her thoughts without peering inside her mind. They were silent for a time.

“There is an aura about her . . . she is the other . . . is she not? They look quite alike, only one boasts facial hair and a large physique,” the Elder chuckled as the Oracle nodded to confirm it. Putting her hand upon her shoulder, Atenda brought her back to the task at hand. Victoria knew the meaning of her friend’s gentle touch.

“We must be going, old friend. You can travel with us, just like many times before. It would be an honor to have you as a companion by my side,” Atenda offered gladly. The two of them had enjoyed many trips to the field of wild flowers and had spent many afternoons indulging in the best teas and strongest of ashweeds. The delight was mutual. However, both knew that this time would be different.

“Oh, Atenda, it is very kind of you to offer . . . but I am old now, one hundred and twenty-four and counting. I do not believe I have another battle in me. I have done my work. I have passed the Lithyte Stalker

through to the next age, for it has already begun. I am to die soon . . . but surely, if I had the strength, I would be much obliged to travel by your side once again. It is only because of your potions that I have survived this long, dear friend. I can feel it wearing away. My breath has become . . . faint. It is time, and I will not fight it. It has been an honor to serve as an Elder of this Age . . . the age before the last. I wish the speed of Muglug and His Father to you and to those who take station at your side in battle. Good luck . . . and see you on the other side, dear friend.”

“Thank you,” Atenda said, reaching to squeeze the Elder’s frail hands and then gently embracing the old companion.

“Until we meet again . . .” Victoria squeezed back.

“You must see it done until the time has come that it is over . . . have courage. You must, because succumbing to failure is not an option. I believe in you. We all do. You must foster the new with the knowledge of old. These are the words I leave with you.”

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