"Vado a controllarla (I'll go check on her)," he said as he stood up and walked toward the bathroom adjoining their bedroom.

After he left, the room was quiet. "How are you holding up, Cap?" Vic asked as she watched Maya continue to lean into Andy's embrace.

"I've been better. It's Carina who feels terrible," she said quietly. "She thinks it's all her fault. I just want to do something to brighten her day, but I can't even get myself up so what help am I?"

"You're lots of help, mija, whether you know it or not," Andy said as she rubbed circles on Maya's back. "Think... Is there anything that could help Carina, and yourself?"

Maya thought for a minute as she digested Andy's question. And that is when it donned on her, the solution to their problems. "I know what I have to do."

"What are you gonna do?" Teddy asked.

"I need to call Doctor Howard and make an appointment for tomorrow," Maya said as she reached for her phone and found the doctor's contact. "I'm going to go get myself inseminated."

Doctor Howard loved couples. She always found them amazing and aspired to have a relationship like Maya and Carina's one day. "Maya, what did you need? Lisa told me that you called."

Maya walked into Doctor Howard's office with a smile on her face. "Well as you know, we lost Thea four months ago and we've been grieving for quite some time. Well, I'd like to do the procedure."

"You want to become pregnant?" Doctor Howard asked, shocked that Maya would suggest something like this. When they first started the process of IVF, Maya was adamant about not being the pregnant one. She always claimed that it would make her more like her father.

"Yes. I believe that I can carry this baby to term, for both my sake and for Carina's. We need this baby, Taylor, or it might just break us in pieces."

"Okay. I'll call Lisa to get everything set up then. Do you want to do it today? We still have four embryos left."

Maya shot a glance at the clock, smiling internally because she had taken the entire day off. "Yes, please."

"Are we telling Carina?"

Maya shook her head. "I want it to be a surprise for her."

Doctor Howard nodded before leaving the room and letting what she was about to do sink in with Maya, who was controlling her breaths.

Carina was perplexed as to why Maya had been throwing up for the past month. She knew it was not what Maya had eaten, as they ate the same meals together. Come to think of it, it has been a month since their friends came over to see them and check up on their well beings.

"Sick again, bella?" She asked as she rubbed Maya's back as her wife was hunched over the toilet in their bathroom. "Maybe it's time to take you to the doctor."

"I'm okay, Car, don't worry," Maya defended as she wiped her mouth on a towel and washed her mouth too. Maya already knew what was going on with her, but she wanted to wait until Carina was gone to take a test. Walking out of the bathroom, Maya tied up her hair and smiled softly at her wife. "I have the day off anyways. I'll be okay, babe."

"Sei sicuro (Are you sure)?"

Maya nodded. "Ovviamente. Ora vai, passa una bella giornata e divertiti a fare il tuo lavoro, ti amo (Of course. Now go have a great day and have fun doing your job, I love you)."

Carina smiled as she kissed Maya softly before leaving the apartment. Once she was gone, Maya let out a breath. Entering the bathroom again, she opened the cabinet and pulled out a pregnancy test. While waiting, she decided to call Andy.

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