Why Are You Here?

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*Mature Scene*

*You May Skip If You Want*

Kimmy was excited jumping up and down and Noah still hasn't said anything, even right now when we were walking back to the car, I sighed then walked to my door and opened it myself and waited for them, and before Noah got in Kimmy said,

K--"I'm so excited" I smiled at her then looked out the window with tears in my eyes and as soon as he started the car I felt them running down my face and I let them but I did keep my head turned so he didn't see them, I just didn't get why he was acting like this, I thought he wanted kids, maybe he meant not with me. 

It was quiet all the way home until we got to the black metal gate, while Noah was putting in the gates pin number I looked back at Kimmy and asked not caring if they see my tears at this point, 

K--"C-can you keep this between us right now" her eyes went from happy to sad in a second but nodded with a sad smile and I tried to smile back at her but I just couldn't make myself, I then felt somebody looking at me so I looked over at Noah and seen him looking at me with sad eyes, good I hope he feels like crap because he is making me feel that way, when we pulled up to the mansion, I seen my brothers car and a car I don't recognize, and I felt my frown get even worse if that is even possible and when we came to a stop I quickly got my test that were in a bag and put them in one of my other bag and carried them all in the house not waiting for Noah to help me, when I walked in I seen my brother sitting on the couch and an other guy and when he turned to look at me I instantly felt my anger rise, it was Seth Green, my once friend and also the guy that almost killed me along side freaking Blake McGraw, I sat my things down by the door and I walked over to them and sat down in the chair that was in the living room and said in my authority tone,

C--"Sit and tell me what the hell you are doing here" they didn't so I pulled my gun out of my pants and sat it down on the arm of the chair still holding it and while saying,  

C--"Now" my brother sat down first and then Seth and my brother said first, 

J--"Sis I am sorry about what happened the other night, I forgot to tell you I owned one of Seth's motels and so does dad that is why we were at the gangs ball" I looked at him and I grew angry very fast because I was already on edge from what Noah's reaction was about me taking a pregnancy test, I seen dad walk in the room and sat down beside me and looked at my gun and nodded at me to see if I was alright, I just nodded back and looked back at the men in front of me and asked my brother, 

C--"So you work for my old friend?"

J--"Yes he" he said while nodding his head, and I asked in a scary calm voice, 

C--"So did you tell them I was going to the bathroom that night?" James looked confused and I then looked over at Seth and his face drained of all color, and I looked back at James and said 

C--"Ask Seth what I am talking about James" he looked over at Seth and asked 

J--"what is she talking about?" he stuttered when he started to talk 

S--"I-I h-had something to d-do with your sister being in a c-coma" James then got a blank look on his face, and I said to Seth 

C--"Leave right now" he got up in a hurry walking to the door, I quickly stood up form my seat and I said 

C--"Hey Seth wait I need to tell you something" he turned back around and I said with a evil smirk on my face, 

C--"Say hi to the people down below" and he gave me a confused look and that is when I shot him right in the head and I watched his body fall to the ground and I said out loud, while grabbing my bags 

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