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When we entered the elevator and it was quiet then Kimmy all of the sudden said 

K--"Where are we going" I just smiled at her and nobody answered her not even me because I didn't know where we were going either,

K--"Is anybody going to answer me?" she looked at me and smiled and asked m,

K--"Where do you want to go?" 

C--"I don't know any restaurant's, sorry" and they all looked at me then Noah asked me  

N--"You don't have a favorite place to eat?" I looked over at him and of course he had to be a giant so I had to look up at him and said,

C--"Nope I don't go out that much" I didn't like people judging me for how I look or what I eat so I simply don't go out unless it's with my brother and sister, 

One of Noah's friend's--"You look familiar? Have I seen you before" I looked at him then said 

C--"No but you might have seen my twin sister before" I said with a tight smile 

One of Noah's friends-"Oh yes do you have a sister named Tammy?" I looked down and up because I knew this was coming  

C--"Yep she is my identical twin, even though we aren't the same at all"

One of Noah's Friends--"Oh she is my girlfriend she will be at dinner with us" 

C--"Oh great" I said with a tight smile he turned back around and then I felt like somebody was looking at me so I looked to my left and seen Noah looking at me with a frown then looked away looking like he was thinking about something. 

We got out of the longest elevator ride I have ever had in my life, we walked into the lobby I seen the three girl's sitting at the front desk again, giving me an evil glare and Kimmy must have seen them and said,

K--"What did I say earlier about you looking at my friend" they instantly looked away and I blushed in embarrassment because she said it really loud and there is a lot of people looking, I then heard Noah say,

N--"Everybody get back to work" I was thankful for that I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in and then we all proceeded to walk out of the company into the extremely hot outside, I badly wanted to take my blazer off but it's like my body won't let my hand's take it off and I think Noah noticed it to because he said something to me 

N--"You know you don't have to empress me anymore you can take off your blazer" I tried to smile and said 

C--"I am okay" he smiled at me and I was about to walk to my car when Kimmy said,

K--"You should ride with Noah so you don't get lost" she smiled is she trying to play match maker? if so it won't work her brother won't go for a girl like me, I had seen pictures of him at the gala's before 

N--"yes I could drive you" I looked over at him and agreed when he had that genuine/smirk on his face 


We all walked to the car's and he had a brand new Bugatti La Voiture Noire 2020 I was in awe,

N--"You like it, it's my new car in my collection?" 

C--"Yes I love it, I hope to have a Bugatti La Voiture Noire some day" 

N--"Well let's get you in it so I can make part of that dream come true" he opened up the door for me, and I said, 

C--"Thank you" 

N--"You are very welcome Callie" he shut my door for me and then walked around the car and got in on his side and then said,

N--"What do you like to eat?" I felt my throat close and said,

C--"You pick the restaurant this time, I probably won't eat anything tonight"

N--"I told you I would pay for it, you don't have to worry about it" I then ran out of excuses and said, 

C--"You pick then" he smiled then drove off. 

We pulled into this very expensive restaurant and if I was eating I would have to have him pay for it, I guess I was in awe for far to long because I seen my door open and I seen Noah standing there with his hand stretched out to help me out of the car I gladly take his hand and when I was out I let go of his hand and then I seen the other's getting out of there car's as well and they walked towards us and Noah said,

N--"Let's go in" we walked in and I silently looked around and I noticed my sister acrossed the way at a table waving at me I waved back and then we were escorted to our table and I sat down on the one side of her and her boyfriend on the other side of her, then the other guy, then Kimmy and then Noah between Kimmy and me. They all was looking at the menu and I was just sitting there knowing I will only order a water with lemon. The waiter walked to our table and they ordered and then it was my turn everybody was talking to each other so I said 

C--"A large water with two lemon wedge's thank you" 

The waiter--"Your welcome Ma'am" I then felt my sister's hand on my shoulder then said to everybody,

T--"We will be right back everyone" she stood up but I didn't so I looked up at her and said quietly so nobody at the other table's heard me 

C--"I don't want to have this conversation right now Tam, I am fine" she sat back down and said T--"No your not your doing it again" I shook my head in a pleading way for her not to say anymore at least not in front of my new boss so I said 

C--"Not here not now, not in front of my new boss please"

T--"No we need to talk about you eating disorder" I was so embarrassed so I said on the verge of tear's,

C--"I am going to go to the bathroom, if you will excuse me" I stood up and walked as fast as I could in heel's when I got in there I walked to a stall and sat down on a toilet  and my breath started to become heavy but I heard the door open and then walked in a girl in heel's then I heard 

T--"Open the door please" then I heard 

K--"Please open up sweetie" this time it was Kimmy so I did 

C--"How could you do this to me?" I said towards Tammy 

C--"He is my new boss are you freaking crazy" I said while walking towards the mirror and washed off the mascara on my face and then walked out and said when I walked back to the table 

C--"I think I should be going I will be at work tomorrow if you will still have me at your enterprise sir" 

N--"Yes you still have a job at my company and you are not going to walk to your house at this hour it is to dark let me drive you" 

C--"No, no I am fine thank you though" I said and walked off and when I was outside I started to walk about a mile down the road I heard a car rev by me and a door opening 

N--"Please get in the car Callie" 

C--"I'm fine please go back to your dinner" 

N--"Get in the car Callie" he looked a little irritated so I complied and said 

C--"Fine, thank you" I got in the car and while giving him direction's I was thinking about how to apologies to him about ruining his evening so when we get at my home I say to him before getting out of his car with a smile

C-- "I am so sorry I kind of over reacted my sister just doesn't get me some time's, I didn't want you to know about that" 

N--"What is it?" 

C--"I'm not sure what it is, I just don't like eating, I need to lose weight" he sighed and said 

N--"You still have your job, I wish you wouldn't have lied on you application but I understand why you did it, I will see you at work tomorrow at 9 in the morning, please don't wear a blazer it is going to be really hot tomorrow" he smiled at me and then I got out of the car and walked to my apartment and took a shower then went to bed tomorrow is my first day at work.

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