The Meeting

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I got out of my freaked out state and then started freaking out because of a different reason because I actually broke my tablet I bent down on my knees and said to Noah 

C--"I am so sorry Mr. Scott, I didn't mean to drop it, he just scared me when I walked in" he bent down in front of me and said 

N--"Look at me" I did after collecting the rest of my stuff that spilled on the carpet including my coffee

N--"It is okay, we can get you knew stuff, now are you okay to finish the meeting?" I cleared my throat and said 

C--"Yes let's please get it over with" I whispered the last part to myself and I think he heard me because he looked at me funny, I think he know that there is more than me just being scared when I walked in, we walked to the seats and I discreetly moved the chair away from being so close to my ex when they were seated they started to talk and I kind of missed some stuff, well maybe all of it due to I keep spacing out when they try to talk after a half hour of not breathing right my ex moves to stand up really fats and I flinch and I see both of them look at me, Noah in shock and my ex with pure pleasure on his face my ex walks out and he turns right when he was about to open the door and said to me

B--"How is your back? Have the scars went away" I looked back at Noah and he was looking at me confused I just shook my head no for him and Blake (her ex's name) I stood up and say in confidence 

C--"No would you like to see your handy work?" I paused but continued continue with my statement 

C--"Shall I go and take my make up off of my neck from when..." I stopped my sentence because he had the same look he did when he tried to kill me that day I stepped back and he seen me do it and smirked then opened the door and said out loud to me and Noah 

B--"See you both at the charity ball" I started to cry but I wouldn't let Noah see it so I walked over to his little kitchen in his office and got a wet rag and went over to the coffee puddle and started rubbing the spot to try and get it out while crying I felt somebody put a hand on my shoulder I flinched and when I looked up I seen Noah looking sad at me and put his hand on my shoulder again then took my rag away from my hand and he said 

N--"Come on lets go to the couch" we did, and I could barely walk to it but I made it and when we sat down I didn't say anything because I know he had questions so I waited till he asked me he was quiet so I looked at him and he was already looking at me 

C--"You can ask questions if you want" I said to him with one single tear that went down my cheek, I hurriedly wiped it off quickly and then looked at the ground he cleared his throat and asked me 

N--"How do you know him?" 

C--"He is my ex boyfriend" I stayed silent for a few second but then said before he could ask a different question 

C--"I dated him when I was 16 years old" I stopped there

N--"Wait isn't he only a year younger then me?" 

C--"Yes he is, I was never the girl that got asked out, I was never the girl that got the guy, I am still not, I don't really understand you wanting to go out with me last night but anyways this older guy asked me to go out with him and back then I was struggling pretty bad, so bad I got hospitalized because I quite eating to lose weight, but one day after I had gotten out of the hospital he asked me out and of course I said yes and I told my mom and it was the first time my mom really loved me, but after about a week of us dating he started verbally abusing me because I decided to wear a tight fitted dress to make him want me more then just to hang out with and by that I mean to have sex with me but he didn't like that so he walked out of his apartment leaving me behind and partied with two skinny blonds and one of his buddies, it then got to the second week and that is when it got real bad he started to push me against the wall, slap me when I said no, or punch me, cut me for fun that was only when he was drink though, well it got worse after that we had been over a year in our relationship when he decided that all of the punching and the slapping wasn't get his sadistic turn on he turned to a whip and that was what he was talking about with my back, one day he got up to 40 slashes, I could barley walk at this point well he did it one more time he said it had to be an even number and with that one he hit me on my neck and cut it deep, he then said that it was my fault because I moved my head to much so I would have a visible scar on my neck from now on and he got really mad and started to choke me pushed me up against the wall and had his hand around my throat    pushing me off the floor where I couldn't touch the floor with my feet, I was almost dead when my brother walked in and punched him so hard that Blake passed out he hurriedly called 911 and they came and arrested him he was supposed to be in there for 5 year for attempted murder but they let him out after a year and a half, which I don't understand she is supposed to call me when he got out, and if he got out any sooner" I said all of that with out crying, he got up half  way through my story and he was now pacing and yelled after a few minutes 

N--"That son of a bitch" I just sat there shocked at how he was acting

C--"N-Noah p-please calm down" he was kind of making me nervous he looked at me and I seen his face soften some and he walked to me and held out his hand and said 

N--"Let me take you home" he smiled at me, but I could go home right now I need the money for a dress

C--"No I need the money for a dress for the charity ball"

N--"I will leaned you the money let's just get you something to eat and get you home" I just nodded and got up but almost fell back down so he said to me

N--"Here just sit back down I'll go get your purse and phone" he walked out and I sighed and put my head in my hands that were on my knees and a few seconds later he came back into the office and helped me get up and he put his arm around me to help me walk out of the office and into the elevator he still had my purse in his hand so I asked him

C--"You want me to hold my stuff"

N--"No it's okay, I got it" I smiled and tried to move out of his grip but he just held on tighter

N--"Please don't move, this is the only thing that is keeping me from beating the living shit out of that guy" I just nodded and stayed, truthfully I'm glad that he is because still it is helping me a lot right now.

We got out of the building I ignored the stares, I can only have one problem today. He helped me into the car and drove me to a Chinese restaurant and grabbed something to go and he took me home where we stayed all night watching movies and eating super together.

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