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It turns out that Roman and Marlana were pregnant. The doctor confirmed that they about four weeks along. Once the doctor had left the room, Marlana looked to Roman who brought her into his arms. "Roman, we did it." She whimpers. "We're going to have a baby."

"Yes we are, baby girl." He whispers back. "I love you so much."

The first place they went was to Rachelle and Austin's place where Marlana showed Rachelle the ultrasound. "Oh Marlana." She says with tears in her eyes. "I'm so happy for you!" She brings Marlana into her arms. "And we get to do it together!"

"I know! Got any tips?" Marlana jokes, and they laugh before hugging again. "I'm actually really tired so I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

"Of course! Congratulations you two." She tells them before Marlana and Roman make their way back home. When they get there, Roman pulls Marlana onto his lap as they sat on the couch.

He held her tight against his chest, running his hands up and down her back. "I love you." Marlana whispers to him. "You make me so happy, Roman." She was awaiting a response when she heard him sniffle. "Babe?"

He lifts her head, and she wipes away his tears. "Sorry baby. I think it just hit that We're actually having a baby."

"It's crazy right? I was told it would never happen, and then it does." She tells him, and he grabs onto her hips.

"I told you that you were a miracle, Marlana. This just proves it." He tells her, and she smiles down at him before lightly pressing her lips to his. "I love you more than anything in this world." He pauses to place his hands on her stomach. "And now I'll get two of you."

"Stop making me cry." She giggles through her tears. "Because I'm also terrified."

"All first time moms are, but I promise you that you will get through it. I'll be here every step of the way." He tells her, and she nods.

So, they wait until her first trimester is over before announcing it to the world. First they sat down with both families, announcing the news. Everyone was ecstatic. People were even crying, especially Becky and Renee who knew how bad Marlana had been struggling with it. Dwayne was super happy for the two as well as he had grown real close to Marlana over the past few month's.

"So, do you want to do a gender reveal or do you want to know?" The doctor asks us, and Marlana looks over at Roman.

"Whatever you want, baby girl." He says.

"We want to know." Marlana tells the doctor, and Roman stands up, moving closer to Marlana.

"Mr. And Mrs. Reigns, you are going to have a beautiful baby girl." The doctor says, and Marlana is the first one to gasp before Roman. "Congratulations."

Roman looked as if he would never come out of his shocked state. "We're having a girl." He says, and Marlana nods at him. "Oh my god. My baby girl is having a baby girl."

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