Chapter Four

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Marlana's P.O.V

I can tell with how slow I was moving in my match against Carmella, that I still wasn't at one hundred percent mentally. 

I was second guessing moves, and had to cut the match short before I was going to seriously injure myself, or Carmella, or the both of us.

I made my way to my locker room, and rested my hands on the locker trying to regain my composure. "Hey." I turn to see Carmella. "I know that wasn't you out there. Is everything okay?"

"I'm sorry, Carmella. I've had a rough couple of weeks, and I didn't want to hurt you which is why I cut the match." I tell her, and she walks up to me. She opens her arms, and I smile, walking into them. 

"I understand, and thank you for still looking out for me even though you have your head filled with so much." She tells me, and I nod at her. "Take it easy, alright?" She says, and passes by Roman as he walks in. 

"Everything okay?" He asks, and I nod. He walks over to me, and pulls me in for a hug. "I saw the match. Good decision to cut it early." 

I nod, and look down at my title sitting on the bench. "I'm not doing a very good job as champ, am I?" I ask him, and sit down next to my title. 

"You've had a lot happen recently. To be honest, you are handling it very well. You're the strongest person I know." He says, and sits down next to me, holding onto my hand. "I'll tell you what, how about we take a weekend getaway? We can take time to ourselves, and you can clear your head." 

"You think that will help?" I ask him, and he nods. "Where would we go?" I ask him, and he turns to look at me. 

"How about Texas?" He asks me, and a small smile appears on my face. "I think it would do some good to see your family." 

"I love that idea." I tell him, and he kisses my forehead. "Let me go call my dad." I tell him, and give him a peck on the lips before picking up the phone. 

"About time you come back and see us." My stepmother Heather says as me and Roman make our way into the house. 

"Love you too." I joke with her, and she moves to hug Roman as I make my way further into the house. 

"Well what the hell are you doing back?" My dad jokes, and I give him a hug. "Hey there Roman!" He says, giving Roman a hug. "There's food out back if you two are hungry." 

"Maybe in a minute." I giggle at my dad, and Roman follows behind me as I say hello to my brother's and sister. 

"Ready to see my childhood bedroom?" I ask Roman before opening the door, and walking in. 

"Wow, how many one direction posters do you have?" He asks, and I shove his chest. "Hey! It's cute." 

I sit down on the bed, and Roman sets our bags down before walking over and sitting down next to me. "You feeling okay?" He asks me, and I nod. 

"It's good to be back home." I tell him, and he leans in to kiss me when my sister interrupts us. 

"Oh, sorry." She giggles, and I stand up to hug her. "Are you okay?" She asks me, and I nod. "I know you've probably been conflicted, but I decided to take care of the funeral." 

"Wait, really?" I ask her, and she nods. "I can pay you half." I tell her, and she shakes her head. 

"Don't worry about it. The service is tomorrow. Are you coming?" She asks, and I look down at my feet. "You don't have to, but I think it would be good if you did." 

"I'll think about it." I tell her, and she just nods before walking out of the room. I turn to Roman, and he looks at me nervously. "You set this up didn't you?" He stands up, and walks up to me, taking my hands in his. 

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