Chapter Eight

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Roman's P.O.V

I don't know how to explain it. Some things in life are just handed to you in the right moments, and that one thing in particular, is a person. My person. I sit there, leaning up against the door frame to our room as I see her playing with Starla in our bed. 

Through out this lifestyle that we have built, and chose to continue on the road to, you sometimes forget to stop, and cherish the moments that you have right in front of you. Like the way her dimples are so deep, especially when she smiles or when she runs, and jumps in my arms as soon as she gets told something exciting. Even when she is sad, she's beautiful. I thought I knew what love was before her, but honestly, she is the definition of love. 

How could someone so young be so pure, and have experienced so much? Sometimes I think that God is playing tricks on me until that same God has helped me through Leukemia, twice. He's the same one that put her on this planet for me. The one that sits there, and looks up at me like I'm her favorite person in the world. 

"Oh hi baby! I didn't hear you come in." Marlana says, and scoots to the edge of the bed. "Starla, daddy's home." She says, pulling the dog into her lap. "How was your day?" 

"It was good. Got to see Jon, and Seth today. I missed you though." I tell her, and she smiles up at me. "How was your day?"

"Lazy." She says, giggling. "I restarted the vampire diaries again." She says, smiling, and I shake my head at her. 

"Come here, baby girl." I tell her, and she removes Starla from her lap before standing up. I pull her in for a hug, her tiny arms wrapping around my waist. "I love you." 

"I love you, too." She says, pulling away from me. I kiss her forehead, and she looks up at me so that I can capture her lips with mine. "Everything okay?" 

"Everything's perfect." I tell her, and she smiles at me before burying her head in my chest. "I would marry you right now if I could." 

"Me too." She says, and looks up at me. "Seriously, I would. We could elope." 

"Yeah, and how would that go over with Rachelle?" I joke, and she bites her lip, laughing. 

"She'd kill both of us." She answers, and I nod. "Actually, I think she would want us to do it. Like elope, but still have the wedding. She and Austin could be our witnesses." 

"Wait, are you being serious?" I ask her, and she shrugs her shoulders. "I mean it's up to you." 

"I kind of want to elope, but then again I don't want it to be a mistake." She says, and I nod. 

"No worries baby." I tell her, and kiss her forehead. "It would be kind of hot though, right? Only we would know. It'd be like our own little secret." 

She looks up at me, smirking. "Well, we will be in Vegas next week." She draws out. "And there aren't any necessary rules there. Not even Rachelle, and Austin would know." 

"You really want to do this?" I ask her, and she nods. "I want to marry you so fucking bad. You have no idea." I tell her, cupping her face in my hands. 

"Then let's do it, next week, in Vegas." She says, and I nod my head before kissing her passionately. 

"Let's get married, and then on July 23rd, we have our wedding in front of everyone else. Let's have our selfish moment next week." I tell her, and she nods her head excitedly. "Marlana Reigns." 

"Will be my name as of next week." She says, and kisses me again. "Our little secret." 

"Our little secret." 

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