(Name) gingerly opened the second drawer, one that she never found the need to open. Inside, there was a whole variety of makeup that women simply craved for.

(Name) was genuinely surprised that Neji bothered to buy them for her, and for a while had the impression that Neji thought she looked ugly. 
It was until Hanabi said that Neji was acting weird, asking things such as 'how makeup affects a person? ', or 'what is the makeup trend today? '. 

Hanabi answered that makeup can elevate a person's self esteem, and make them feel more confident that not wearing makeup.
And so, (Name) was now staring at a drawer full of makeup equipments.

She had seen beauty tutorials, and knew the basic steps. She placed on foundation as the base, followed by the concealer to get rid of blemishes, and lastly pressed powder as the final touch.

She moved on to her eyes, and she put on a thin layer of eyeliner on the top of her eyelids, continued with a light coating of mascara on her eyelashes. 

For her lips, she opted for a simple translucent pink lip gloss, which exuded radiance and gave her a 'cute girl ' aura. 
(Name) noticed that her outfit was somewhat bare, so she wore a necklace, which had a huge turquoise gem locket, on a simple slim silver chain. 

While slipping her phone and wallet into her new white handbag, she heard the front door bell ringing. She placed the clasp of the bag, and picked up the back, a giggle escaping her lips.

She sprinted towards the front door, careful to keep her footsteps silent. She placed her fingers of the metal door handle, breathing heavily. 

    ' He's here! '

With a wide smile on her face, (Name) opened the door.

    " Hey, " she greeted, her eyes feasting on the young man in front of her.

    "  You look beautiful, " Neji complimented, making her blush. 

There were many amusement parks in Konoha, but the best ones were in the capital city. 
     " Which one do you want to ride first? " Neji asked, retrieving the ride tokens from a machine. 

(Name) analysed though every single destination, and a particular one caught her eyes.
     " The haunted house, " she beamed.

Nearing the purposefully dilapidated looking mansion, Neji silently broke into a cold sweat.
     " (Name), it looks kinda sketchy. Why don't we go ride the.. Um, merry-go-round? " 
The girl gave him an 'are you kidding me?' look. 
    " Ah. It's been my lifelong dream to ride fake horses which does nothing but spin, while playing a ridiculous carnival song, " she said sarcastically. 

Neji glanced at the haunted house in front of him and shuddered. 
    ' Just this once. Man up! '

He slipped the entrance tokens for two into a coin slot, and two flashlights were given upon entry.
Neji looked in front of him and gulped. It was like an endless abyss of horror. And you don't know if you'd get out alive. Maybe, if you're lucky. But if you're not, well, let's not talk about that.

     " (Name), if you're scared, we can always get out of here and try other rides, " he tried to convince her. Unshaken, she shook her head.
      " But I really want to meet Sadako from The Ring in person! "

      " Alright. If you're scared, just tell me okay."

As they walked deeper into the mansion, the darker it grew, and they had to switch on their flashlights. 
Dismembered body parts were scattered on the floor, and the walls were full of 19-century portraits. 
    " What's that? " (Name) asked innocently, pointing at an operation table with a dead body strapped onto it. " Did the doctor in charge leave the patient behind? How irresponsible. "

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