13 | demonic

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    " (Name) walks across the road, her stupid self not caring about the cars passing by. A lorry drives at a fast pace, and soon the bitch is turned into mush! "

   " (Name) lays on the operation table, her weak self unable to fight. The madman holds an axe, and hacks off all her limbs! "

   "  (Name) is chained to a pole, and no one is in sight. I hold a loaded gun, and create a hole in her hollow skull! "

The insane woman cackled, dragging her nails on the off-white wall, leaving red trails on it. Her fingers were nothing but bloody stumps, and her fingernails had fallen off.

Her once silky and pristine silvery white hair was full of dirt, and fell on her shoulders in tangled knots. 
Her skin that used to be fair and unblemished, was coated with a layer of dust and grime.

Then, she disappeared into the bathroom, where she remained in for a quite long time.
The atmosphere became silent, except for the sound of scrubbing and her soft hums.

Two hours later, she reemerged, looking absolutely different from before.
     " Aah, that feels good. Now, I should begin my plan to win him back! And of course, destroy her while I'm at it! " she laughed.
She walked towards her mirror, staring at her reflection. 
     " Why you pretty little thing, " she giggled, dropping her towel, and the piece of fabric pooled down at her ankles.
     " No man can ever resist me, " she huffed, glancing at her ample breasts, and her wide hips.
She ran a finger through her wet hair, the locks felt so silky and smooth. The colour of her hair was that of snow, and they formed a cascading waterfall around her body.
She flicked her plump lips with her finger, and pulled it into a pout. She fluttered her light eyelashes, flashing her bright sapphire eyes.
     " No one can ever resist Shirayuki. "

It was three in the evening, but (Name) still had no idea what to wear. It wasn't that she didn't have any clothes, it was the exact opposite really.

There were just too many.

    " Okay, suck it up, put something on, and have a marvellous time, " she breathed, trying to put her heart at ease. It didn't work.

   " Gosh! What if he thinks I'm overdressed? Too flirty? Too obvious? Too demure? Or just plain hideous?! " she mumbled incoherently while her fingers tugged at the locks of her hair.
Half-wailing horrendously, she laid down on the fluffy periwinkle hued carpet that was laid down in her closet.
     " You have the selection of clothes that is fit for a princess. And shoes that would make Cinderella cry. Still, you don't know what to wear! " she mumbled to herself, until a certain piece of clothing caught her eyes.

   " What's that? "

(Name) stood up from her makeshift place to lie down, and walked towards the rack where she saw it earlier.

Picking it up, she noted that it was a beautiful bubblegum pink dress. It wasn't too uptight and formal, nor too casual and floppy. It was just right for a date.

The sleeves reached her wrists, and were made of fine lace. It had a sweetheart neckline, and a fitting bodice. The waist was a bit tight to accentuate her curves, and the skirt fell down mid-shin, not exposing too much skin. It was flowy and fluffy, giving the necessary Disney Princess aesthetic. 

    " This is perfect, " she grinned, carefully placing the dress on her bed, and went to the bathroom for a shower.

After showering, (Name) put on the dress and went to the vanity dresser. She blow-dried her hair, and swiftly braided her hair into an intricate French braid.

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