Chapter VII

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Sitting on the couch, sipping a coffee, while a playlist of classic music plays on TV, and having a peaceful and friendly conversation with your mom. It may seem too good to be true, and it indeed is, because you know the discussion you are about to have is anything but peaceful. Not after she found you in bed with a girl that scared her half to death. But the situation is worse than it should be since she's been silently staring at you for 10 minutes. At least, you are glad you told Gabbie to stay in your room.

"So... Um, yeah, uh..." You try to break the tension in the room but fail miserably. From the corner of your sight, you see your sister smirking at you with a headphone around her neck, savouring the situation you are in.

"Who is she?" Your mother asks, crossing her legs and folding her arms to appear intimidating. It only manages to make you feel more awkward, and perk up your sister's attention.

"A girl..." You feel embarrassed because nothing comes out after that, not when you don't want to let your mother know that you were found being intimate with your bully. The same girl that ruined your college life, because she felt like it.

"I know she's a girl. I'd be concerned if she wasn't. What is she to you?" She presses on, forcing you to give her a satisfactory answer. Unfortunately for you, you feel your tongue dry out, as you give in and say-

"F... Friend."

"A friend?" Your mom raises her brows and tilts her head, clearly not buying it. There are times like these, where you wish you could just walk out of the conversation. Maybe sink into the floor, or become one with the gentle couch, or maybe even awaken your invisibility powers, but the reality isn't as merciful. Your mother's gaze doesn't falter. If eyes are indeed the windows of the soul, then she's trying to break in through it just by staring.

"Listen, she's just a friend, alright? It was an accident, and you just walked in at the worst time." You try to convince her to the best of your ability, and you sense that she is starting to believe. Or at least, she's considering your words.

"Still doesn't explain why she's here."

"Her father was, um, too drunk. So she wasn't feeling too safe in there, so... Yeah." You are impressed at your ability to make up a believable story, after all, your only hint is the moment you confronted her father in the hospital.

"And why was she... You know, being weird, standing around the house and all?" She throws yet another, and trickier question at you. Which reminds you, Gabbie still hasn't told you why she decided to visit you at this hour. Reminding yourself to question that later on, you reply-

"This is her first time here, so she just got a little lost." You explain, to which you see her sigh and relax.

"I see..."

'I won.' You let out a phantom smirk, feeling like a master of decisiveness. Not saying anything else, you get off the couch, and without making eye contact with your sister, you pass by her and towards your room. You decide to make it quick before your mother's head clears from the clouds, and luckily, you make it to your room without being called back by her. Entering your room and closing the door behind you, you let out a massive exhale and feel your stiff chest relax.

"How did it go?" Gabbie asks, peering at you with curiosity.

You just give a thumbs up, to which her face lights up with joy before she jumps on you. For a moment, you return her enthusiasm and her hug, however-

'Why am I celebrating with her?' You stop yourself and let her go. Not waiting to see her dissatisfaction, you walk past her and towards your bed. You pick up your phone and before you can slide it into your pocket, you notice it is unlocked.

"Does it hurt?" (Yandere OC x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now