Chapter III

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Walking down the sidewalk of a busy road, you put on your earphones to distract yourself off all the chattering and motor noises. The coldness of the day seems to have increased a lot following the dusk, promising an almost freezing night.

A momentary ring in your pocket let's you know of a newly recieved message. When you pull out your phone to check, you are surprised to find messages from three different sources. You question how you never noticed it, but then you just brush it off, since you've obviously been under a lot of stress the entire day. You read out the texts, starting from Brad's, which seems to have been sent about 15 minutes ago...

'Yo, Just reached home. Go home safely, and get some rest'.

Typicall Brad, not much of a texter, but still did it for the sake of it anyway. You move on to the one you recieved 10 minutes after that, which reads-

'Hey, it's Dana. Didn't think I would text you so soon, did you? Well, this is my num, so please don't save it as 'Waifu' or something like that, ok? And... yeah, I'll see you in college tomorrow?'.

"Hehehe" despite the day feeling like a crack ride, you still have something more positive to remember it by. You just spoke to your crush, got on her good side, and even got to exchange numbers.

Inevitably, your mind goes back to when you two first got to speak, in the college infirmary. The same place where Gabbie was... even though the image of her limp body finds it's way into your head, you still make an effort to distract yourself, by checking out the last message.

'Cutie! That girl is expected to wake up tomorrow. Either that, or she's gonna go into a longterm coma. Both are very possible. Exciting, isn't it? Anyway, I'll let you know tomorrow. Psss, you can save my contact as 'Mommy', I won't mind'.

"Like hell I will!" You yell out loud, causing few pedestrians to turn their heads in your direction for a brief moment, before walking away. You put your head down in shame and continue walking.

This nurse woman, Bianca, simply gives you the creeps. Be it wanting to help you for absolutely no reason, or just the aggressive flirting. You don't trust her, not one bit. However, for now, you decide to accept her help, since you doubt anybody else can aid you in the matter.

"Hah..." you let out a foggy breathe and rub your hands together for warmth, as you continue walking by- and past the pedestrians. You see that almost all of them are wrapped up with winter clothes, and wonder how you forgot about it. Deciding that going home with a runny nose and painfully cold fingers wouldn't exactly feel pleasant, you decide to board a bus. And luckily, you see a bus stop right ahead of you, with a bus that you recognize from your neighborhood routes.

"The timing is just perfect" you mutter to yourself, before hoping into the moving vehicle. Taking a seat by the window, you begin thinking of an excuse for being home so late after college.


Please kill yourself. Asshole. Bully. Stop coming to college. I'll punch you!

The words scribbled down on your desk almost seem never ending. You can tell that it's the handy work of many students in your class, judging from the varying shades and colors of ink. And it's not just your class, it's the whispers. You are hearing them awfully lot today. From the moment you stepped into the campus, all the way till your classroom. The mutterings only get louder the longer you ignore them.

Just for a moment, you try to look somewhere other than your ink lit desk. Only to see many guys giving you a threatening glare.

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