Chapter V

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The closure you received throughout the day, no matter how much you try to keep it under, your mind seems to love reminding you of it. Be it Gabbie's innocent hug or Dana's comforting embrace, it keeps playing on the back of your mind. Feels like, a part of you wants to compare their affection. Not with each other, but with what you are feeling now. All your senses intoxicated, and somewhere deep within, you desire more. More of the raspberry scented perfume, the taste of her lip gloss in your mouth, her craving moans, her flawless, naked porcelain skin against yours, painted nails scratching your chest, and her silvery blue eyes reflecting the moonlight, while she gazes down at you with a euphoric, bestial glare.

Indeed, you need more. But seeing how peacefully asleep she is on your chest, you can't find it in yourself to wake her up just for another round. And if you have to admit, you are pretty exhausted yourself. So, all you do is just wrap your arm over her heaving bareback.

'Her skin...' under the pale moonlight, it looks beautiful, almost luminescent. Despite the entirety of the spacious single apartment Bianca lives in, the bedroom is simply your favourite. Especially because of the large window over the bed, which lets the moon illuminate most of the room.

The squares of moonlight remain undisturbed, serene. Except for just a moment, when you see a hooded shadow cast over the walls ahead. It stands there for a second, and is gone in a blink. With a chill running down your spine, you get up and hesitantly look over your shoulder, outside the window. You only see an empty road behind the river sparkling under the moon's radiance, and stray grasses swaying ever so lightly. You see no one that could have possibly disturbed the tranquillity. After taking another reassuring glance outside, you let out a sigh of relief.

'Guess I'm tired, huh...'


"No way..." Brad gasps with a palm over his lips, putting on a purposefully cringe worth face.

"What?" you ask, dropping your bag from your shoulders onto your desk.

"You did it, didn't you?" he smirks, leaning close to you in a little uncomfortable manner. You wonder how he can tell like he saw you do it, but you think against asking him, fearing the inappropriate words that could leave his mouth. Instead, you just give him a nod, to which he grins with mirth.

"Someone's finally grown up!" He throws an arm over your shoulders and decides to put half his weight on you. You groan at his troublesomeness, while noticing that all eyes on the class are on you. Few just looking at you with inquisitive stares, while others giving you annoyed side glances. Surely, you laying your hands on the jocks of the college has had its undesired effects, only serving to further soil your reputation. Out of instinct, you take Brad's arm off your shoulders, look him in the eyes, and say-

"Listen, there's something you should know."

"Is this the part where you describe the sex in clear detail?"

"NO YOU LITTLE- no, listen. This is important." You tell him, feeling a bit grumpy from holding in your anger. While Brad surely is witty, sometimes he just can't read the room. A part of him which you hate.

"Whoa! Relax. What's wrong?" He asks, finally taking a hint.

"Listen, I think it's best if you... well, stay away from me. In college at least." You let him know, hoping he doesn't misunderstand.

"Um, what brought this on now?" He straightens his back, frowning a little.

"Well, you know how good my reputation was after dealing with Gabbie. And on top of that, I even... well, I beat up some favorites among these people. So it is no exaggeration when I say that the entire building hates me now- excluding you and Dana of course."

"Does it hurt?" (Yandere OC x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now