Chapter IV

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In childhood, innocence makes way for intimacy. There's nothing wrong with it of course, in fact, growing up with a little intimacy is a good thing, especially because it provides comfort. Comfort that when you find yourselves in a hurdle, or going through a tough time, someone will be here for you to lean on. That someone will stop you from crumbling under pressure. However, as maturity takes it toll, even a simple embrace becomes hard to find. Let's just say, you are quite lucky if you have someone who won't mind easing you with a hug.

And yet... when you find yourself being embraced Gabbie, all you feel is hesitation and anxiety. Feels weird, when the person who has put you through a lot of tough time, suddenly decides to show some sort of affection that is alien to both of you. Your hands linger around her, hesitating to return the embrace, and you find yourself lacking the words to say anything. Maybe it's because she's dead silent, but whatever comes to your mind, just feels wrong to say it out loud and disturb this moment. No matter how wrong it feels

Finally, you feel her shoulders slump down, as she relaxes when you wrap your hands around her.

As you wait for her to let go, you notice a few things about her. For one, her blonde hair is all messy and tangled, and, she smells like used bandage and medicine. For a moment you wonder if you should tell her that, but common sense holds you back.

You hear her call your your name, to which you just hum in response.

"So warm..." she mutters, her forhead resting on your shoulder, and her hands pressing firmly onto your back.

"Um... okay?" You don't know what else to say, clearly thanking her for that would feel too stupid. It isn't even a compliment to begin with.

"Yes... I remember".

The words almost send a shiver up your spine. She remembers. You gently grab her shoulders, and peel her off you. Her hands still rest on your sides, as she looks at you with an expression mixed with sadness, and a little desperation in her emerald irises.

Her eyes. They seem different than the cold pairs you are so used to. Before pondering on them any further you shake these thoughts away, and ask her-

"Gabbie... remember what?"

You just watch on, feeling conflicted, as she gently holds your hand in hers, lifts it to her face, and gently rests her soft cheek on your palm. She closes her eyes, and smiles almost fondly.

You let out a silent gasp. All this time, having been used to her usual smug expressions, sadistic grins, and malicious smirks, you just realize this the first time you've seen her smile. Masking no intentions, an innocent and genuine smile that's making your heart race.

"Your name, and this warmth, they are the only things I remember... but..."

"B-but what?" You ask, your heart racing even more, but now for a whole other reason.

"But that's enough... I feel like, I remember everything important".

'Zhongli, Barbatos, Beerus, whichever anime god gave her that amnesia, thank you so much!' You sigh with relief, thankful that she doesn't remember anything, completely ignoring her other words. You may have not wished for her to forget everything, but this works just fine, much better even.

"Wow..." you withdraw your hand off hers, and rest it on your hip, feeling a wave of relief like never before. You almost think it was not worth the trouble of making a trip till the hospital, but you know better than that. Speaking of which-

"Okay! Um..." well, now that you know you are safe from any possible charges, you only have one thing left to do-

"Well, take care, have a safe recovery, and, uh... yeah, bye". About time you leave. Feeling nothing but joyful, you don't wait to hear her respond. It doesn't matter. The weight is finally off your shoulders, and that's all you need. You turn around and walk out. Finally, this whole thing with Gabbie is over for good. Good riddance for sure-

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