When she woke up

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Sakura P.O.V

The last thing I felt was my husband hugging me, I could almost swear he was crying, or 'allergies'/ 'there's dust in the air' the next thing I knew I blacked out

"Fine, you can wake her up, just know if she cries you'll have no lunch" I could hear my mother almost scolding my dad, he'll probably pull off the classic dad jokes, I shivered at the thought...
"Knock Knock" I heard my dad say as he quickly knocked on my door and came in, he really wanted to eat "Who's there?"  I answered to go along with the joke "little old lady" "little old lady who?" 

"why, I didn't know you could yoldle?" "HAHA" We both laughed "breakfast is ready, came down when you're ready" phew, he didn't notice I went along with the joke, and the Byakugō Seal, I would have been dead meat. I looked in the mirror, there I was, the fangirl in progress, I  guessed

(honestly I don't know, I do know she was very shy around Sasuke when they were around 8, and by 9 she realized she liked him, but wasn't fangirling yet, and Google had no useful info, why of all times *pount face*)

Still Sakura P.O.V
I guess I should find out how big my Charka storage was, I found I had my 15 /16 year old storage, so I was able to hide the Byakugō Seal with little problem, next was the get a better range of clothes, was I really this girly and loved pink this point in my life?
I went down for breakfast "ready for your first full day at the ninja academy? You've spent half days and went to lessons outside of the academy, but now... just be safe darling" my mother said very concerned "I'll be fine, I won't be a ninja for another 3 or so years" I said calmly "also, can we go shopping for new clothes, and cut my hair?" I asked, I really needed to feel normal again "sure, you are starting to grow out of some of your clothes, so we'll go shopping after school"  my mum said with a smile I knew all to well, it made me feel sad again, my parents died from cancer when Sarada was 10, sadly this was a rare type and had little to no ways to save someone, Sasuke tried to comfort me the best he could, however it was over messages, not face to face, at least he tried. I won't let that put me down

~~At the academy ~~

~~At the academy ~~

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Sakura P.O.V
Ok, mental notes, see if I'm still friends with Ino, if not, try to be friends again, help/befriend Naruto, and be friends/help/support Sasuke in a way that isn't considered fangirling, that will be hard, I mean, he was so cute when he was little 

I should also try to hide the fact I'm a 35 year old woman, at least I don't have my period anymore, that was a relief, I swear I'd I still have it, I'll kill the next person I see 
"Hey Sakura-Chan!" I heard Ino say, we were still friends "Hey Ino-Chan!" I said as I ran to my friend. "Sakura, I know this is weird, but where would be without me?" She had indeed asked one of the weirdest questions ever "hum... probably getting bullied and well, worst then if you hadn't came" I answered, I have asked myself this question and answered, I would not be were I was today without her, all I knew is that she was alive a well in Konoha, at least I hoped so, just like Sasuke-Kun, Sarada, and Konoha 11.
The bell went and we made our way to class, it's a good thing I remembered both to mask my Charka quite a bit to suit a 9 year old, and I sat next/near Sasuke and Naruto.

World count: 1003
I'm quite proud of myself, I don't like writing unless necessary.


Less polite than "~ san", "~ kun (~君)" is used to address men who are younger or the same age as the speaker. A male might address female inferiors by "~ kun," usually in schools or companies. It can be attached to both surnames and given

Chan (ちゃん) expresses that the speaker finds a person endearing. In general, -chan is used for young children, close friends, babies, grandparents and sometimes female adolescents. It may also be used towards cute animals, lovers, or a youthful woman.

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