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Everyone stared at Sugawara. The first years knew enough of what's happening for sure but the others weren't really up to date with what's going on one floor under. Some of them seemed like they knew. Sugawara being one of them.

"Suga. What are you saying?" Daichi asked.

"I saw it myself. They were fighting about something Tsukishima did that caused Yamaguchi to suffer the consequences. Looks like he just had more than just a broken friendship that made him had to transfer schools."

"That's not true!" Hinata defended Tsukishima. "Yamaguchi transferred because he had to move to Sendai to live with his aunt! It's not Tsukishima's fault he transferred!"

"Hinata, stay out of this. I want to hear him say it." Sugawara scolded.

"I can't! I have been quiet for too long, it's time I step up for my friend!"

Tsukishima stared at Hinata. The orange stepped in front of him and spread his arms out as an act of defending Tsukishima. Kageyama and Yachi joined in behind him, defending Tsukishima as well. Though, they weren't as shameless to spread their arms out like Hinata.

"You're gonna need more than just your own words for me to trust Tsukishima." Sugawara said. "He's the one who probably pushed Yamaguchi to move away to Sendai. He's really good at making people hate him."



Hinata was cut off by the tall blonde. He turned back, eyes wide as he saw Tsukishima almost bursting into tears. Kageyama and Yachi looked shocked that he was actually even showing emotions. The rest of the team was surprised by his sudden reaction too.

"I didn't want any of these to happen either! I know this is all MY fault, but I didn't ask to be treated this way! I didn't betray Yamaguchi, at least I didn't think of it that way, I just didn't want him to leave me! I didn't think much of the consequences which I know was stupid of me but I was so afraid of him leaving me so I just went for it! All of that, just for him to completely SHUT ME OUT and LEAVE ME in the end! Not only that I lost a friend, I got bullied for something I DIDN'T EVEN DO! And I hate it! I hate myself! I hate everything! I just wish I could just die!"

"Woah! Hey! Tsukki! Don't say that!" Nishinoya grabbed his hands. Tsukishima looked at him, and only realized that he was crying when his vision was blurry. He knew it was Nishinoya that was holding his hands but he couldn't clearly see what expression he has on his face right now. He didn't want pity.

Especially not from Nishinoya.

"You can't just say things like that. It is absolutely okay to cry. It's fine. I trust you. I know you wouldn't do that to Yamaguchi." Nishinoya said, comforting him.

Tsukishima not knowing how he developed a soft spot for Nishinoya hugged the shorter and bawled when he said that he trusted him. Everyone stared as Nishinoya patted his back.

"This... this is new..." Daichi raised a brow as he sees the team's emotionless salty middle blocker being comforted by the team's loud and annoying libero.


Yamaguchi stared at the school in front of him and gulped. He didn't expect that this would be school he got transferred to. He only trusted his aunt for the process since she said she was a teacher in one of the schools near her house.

He didn't expect that school to be Johzenji out of all other school.

Of course he's excited to be able to share a school with his own boyfriend but the fact that his aunt will be there too is just unbearable to him. She might just walk in on them holding hands or tease him for it.

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