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Yamaguchi was all snuggled up in bed as he ate the snacks he bought before coming home. He had potato chips, chocolates and bubblegum as he resorted to his coping mechanism to get over Tsukishima.

Reading online stories.

Fanfiction or not, Yamaguchi doesn't care as long as the story is good. As his phone blasted his favourite songs, he read a few fanfictions he had in his reading lists. He was just crying even more when 6 out of 8 of the fanfictions were angst and ends with sad endings.

He wailed.

"Bakugo you fucking idiot, he likes you..." he sobs.

As he was feeling even more miserable, he posted something on his social media.

valentines day sucks. i just confessed to my best friend and he rejected me in the worst way possible. currently trying to cope with it by reading fanfics but why they gotta be angst

He posted it and started crying again. He wailed as he imagined Tsukishima as a prince, riding on his white horse away from Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi was just there on the ground, hoping he comes back.

He shook his head to get out of his imagination. He lied down and saw the photo he took of himself and Tsukishima. He sobbed.

"Fuck you."

Yamaguchi spent the night trying to finish his ice cream since his mom nagged to him for taking up unnecessary space with the tub of ice cream. He watched the anime his friend Hinata had recommended a while ago.

"Oh my god. I want a man like Shoya please." He started crying as he thought of the huge differences between Ishida Shoya and Tsukishima Kei.

Ishida Shoya-> my type
~caring and shows it
~apologizes after realizing his fault

Tsukishima Kei-> no♡️
~shut Up yAmaGuChI
~doesn't even look like he gives a shit
~never fucking cares for shit, why apologize

Yamaguchi huffed. He made it his mission to make a Tsukishima Kei slander to get over him. He then decided to read the replies he's gotten on his recent post.

ugh, a jerk. he's a jerk. don't mind him, BLOCK him
    -already did shou, thanks (':

want me to smack his face with a volleyball?
    -you're willing to get suspended?
    -not really
    - )':

you'll find someone so much better!
    -thanks yachi-san <3


your best friend obviously doesn't deserve you, you're the best od the best and he dared to reject you in the worst ways possible. i hope he steps on a lego and it stays stuck so that he has to go to the hospital. i hope his phone gets problems and i hope he stays cold all night even when he uses ten blankets.

you deserve everything.

"Okay woah, that just came out of no where." He gasped. He felt appreciated by this person really. His words feel so sincere.

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