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The two walked out of the theme park as the day was finally coming to an end. Yamaguchi was still quiet since their meeting with Tsukishima and Terushima doesn't really know what to say to make him feel better.

Yamaguchi was a bit guilty of what he had said to Tsukishima actually. Tsukishima may be an ass but he has been a good friend to him. All those years of being alone and being bullied until he met Tsukishima. As he had known, Tsukishima never had a friend other than him too.

Why are they being so distant just because of a confession?

Right. Because Tsukishima rejected him rudely and Yamaguchi was crying his eyes out.

But Yamaguchi had read of these scenes in books too. They still ended up as good friends. So why can't they?


"Huh? Yeah sure!" Yamaguchi instantly looked around to find Terushima who was literally right by his side. Terushima let out an airy laugh.

"I didn't ask anything."

"Oh.." Yamaguchi looked away, a hint of red on his cheeks.

Terushima bit his lower lip.

"You're thinking of him aren't you?" Terushima asked, getting the right guess at first shot. "Mind me asking, but..."

Yamaguchi looked at him.

"... do you still like him?"

Yamaguchi didn't really know how he should answer that question. He doesn't hate Tsukishima (despite having some times he would yell in a pillow saying how much he hates him) but he doesn't like him either. Not in that romantic kind of way.

Not as a friend either.

He can't explain his feelings for Tsukishima.

He wants to hate him yet he can't.

"I... don't... think so?" He answered with a question. Terushima raised a brow. "Look, I don't know."

"Just say how feel for him. Even if it's complicated, I'll listen and I'll try to understand." Terushima comforted.

"I want to hate him so bad but just because he rejected me that rudely and made me cry ONCE, doesn't make him a terrible person. I also want to like him, but his personality is just so cruddy that I can't even bring myself to say what it is that is likable about him!" Yamaguchi complained.

Terushima gulped. If he doesn't know better, this is what protagonists says in dramas to the people they like.

"So... you still like like him?"


Okay that was quick.

Yamaguchi looked at Terushima. He could see how Terushima looked less tense now that he said so.

"Is this awkward silence gonna be at all times every single time we talk?" Yamaguchi tried to break the constant awkward silence they always seen to have. Terushima laughed.

"Well, what can we do? You're the awkward freckled boy and I'm an awkward fake blonde boy." Terushima tried to reply but cringed at his own words. Yamaguchi raised a brow before bursting out into a fit of laughter.

Once their laughs were quiet, Terushima planted a kiss on Yamaguchi's cheek. Yamaguchi looked at Terushima with wide eyes. Terushima, thinking that maybe that was something that made him feel uncomfortable started to apologize.

"Sorry! Was that uncomfortable to you? I shouldn't have done so. Probably should've asked." Terushima rubbed the back of his neck as he mumbled.

Yamaguchi knowing this felt like one of his favourite scenes in the fanfics he has read blushed. He shook his head. If Terushima won't fo it, he'll have to.

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