Chapter two

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Julianna was walking beside Morgan and Dwayne as they walked to the house Dwayne and Mkrgan was staying at.

Julianna had killed a walker, and she didn't know how to feel about it. She also couldn't stop thinking about her family, her mom and dad.

"You okay?" Morgan asked, breaking her out of her train of thought.

"Yeah. Just thinking." She muttered, Morgan nodded with a frown.

Julianna's eyes lit up as she saw her parents house, she looked at Morgan and he nodded.

Julianna started running to the house, she opened the door and looked around.

"Mom! I'm okay!" She yelled, she ran upstairs and looked in her parents room.

She let out a cry as she saw her parents walking around the room slowly. Both of them turned to her, their eyes grey, they had gun shots in their chests.

"Momma." She whispered, a tear falling down her cheeks.

Morgan cane up behind her and looked at her, she slumped against the wall, nodding at him to put them down.

Morgan did it quickly and when their bodies dropped, Julianna crawled over to her mom.

"I'm sorry mom." She whispered hugging her, Julianna wrapped her hand around the locket on her mom's neck and opened it.

There was a picture of Julianna and her mom in it, Julianna choked back a sob and took it off her mom's neck, she clipped it around her neck and stood up slowly.

She walked over to the safe by her dad's side of the bed and started putting in the pin.

There was a gun and a holster in there with two packs of bullets. She grabbed the holster and put it around her pants before placing a gun in one side, and the other gun from her fiancé in the other side.

She grabbed the bullets and put them in her bag before standing up, she looked at Morgan unemotionaly.

"Let's go." She muttered, Morgan nodded and they both walked out and closed the door.

When they walked outside of there house, Julianna watched as a walker sat on the steps of a house, but hit wasn't a walker.

He started calling to the walker that was walking up to him, Julianna and Morgan ran, Morgan shot the Walker and Julianna watched as Dwayne hit the man.

"Papa! I got him! I got the son of a bitch!" Dwayne yelled, Julianna held back a chuckle and ran over over Morgan.

"C-carl." The man muttered looking at Dwayne.

"Are you bit?!" Morgan yelled pointing his gun at him.

The man didn't didn't but passed out, Julianna sighed and helped Morgan pick him up, Dwayne grabbed Julianna's back pack and followed his dad and the girl.

After five minutes of walking with the man unconscious they finally made it to the house Morgan and Dwayne were staying at.

Morgan opened the door and they walked to a room, Julianna put the man on the bed and started to tie up his ankles and arms.

Julianna helped him unwrap the wrspping on the guy's chest, there was a healing bullet wond that needed to be cleaned.

Morgan walked out and came back a couple minutes later with a bowel of water a rag and some alcohol.

He poured some alcohol on the gun shot wound and watched as it started foaming, Julianna flinched thinking about how much the would hurt.

He than started wiping it down with some water before bandaging it back up, Julianna watched as the man starts to wake up.

"Where am I?" He mumbled looking around, his eyes landed on Julianna.

"Hey, you okay?" Julianna muttered, the man nodded and looked at Morgan.

"I'll explain later." Morgan said as he started cutting the rope off of the guy. "What's you're name?" Morgan asked, the guy looked at Julianna again.

"Rick." He muttered, Julianna nodded. "Y-you're that missing girl that we've been looking for." Rick muttered, Julianna sighed and nodded.

"Yeah that's me. Julianna Hills." Julianna said, Rick nodded with a frown.

"What happened." He asked as he rubbed his wrists.

"My fiancé sold me." Julianna muttered, Rick frowned but didn't ask anymore questions.

"You try to hurt my little boy, me or Julianna. I will kill you." Mirgan threatened, Rick nodded and looked at Julianna.

Julianna shrugged and followed Morgan out, she sat down at the table by Dwayne and started eating the food Morgan gave her.

"Thanks." She mumbled, she looked up when she saw Rick walk out.

His eyes met hers and he smiled, Julianna looked back down at her food and continued eating.

"Dwayne wanted to know what go you shot. He was thinking you were a robber." Morgan chuckled, Rick grinned.

"Nah, I was a sheriff." Rick said, Dwayne nodded with a small smile.

"That's cool." He muttered, Rick nodded and started eating.

After dinner Julianna layed down on the couch and started to fall asleep when she heard a blaring alarm causing her to jump up.

"Shh, it's probably the neighbors car." Morgan whispers to Dwayne.

Rick gets up and peeks through the window, Morgan starts dimming the lights so he can get a better look without attracting the walkers.

Julianna rolled over and dug her face into the pillow, when the car alarm stopped she finally closed her eyes.

Than the door nob started rattling, Julianna jumped up and stared at Rick. He lightly shook his head and walked over to the door.

Dwayne started crying harder, Julianna got off of the couch and jogged to the nearest bathroom.

She closed and locked the door, her breathing was ragged and her eyes watered.

He's dead. She kept telling herself, even though everything she shut her eyes she just kept seeing that horrible man.

"No no no." She mumbled, letting the tears fall down her cheeks.

"Help me!" The crys of Hanna ran through her head, Julianna let out a cry and covered her ears.

"Julianna?" Rick's voice came through the door, Julianna jumped and stared at the door with wide eyes.

"Don't...please." She whispered, her whole body shaking with fear.

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