Start from the beginning

It was a wonderful experience for all of you. You made a couple of friends during the march. 

You got left behind after you knelt down to tie your shoes. But you managed to chat with some of the people who walked next to you. 

You found out that their names were Jackie and Carter. Jackie was a lesbian and Carter was transgender and gay.

After an hour or so, you guys reached City Hall where you said goodbye to Jackie and Carter. You managed to find the rest of your friends. You saw that Lucas was freaking out about something.

'What? Did they lose something?' 

You made your way over to them.

"What do you mean?! Weren't they right behind you Dustin?" Lucas asked.

"And I'm telling you that they must've gotten pushed back, Lucas! Calm down, they always find us anyway!" Dustin replied, readjusting his hat.

You approached them, your flag now wrapped around your shoulders. "What are you guys looking for?" You asked, resting an elbow on Mike's shoulders.

"Oh my god. We're looking for Y/N Max!" Lucas replied, frustrated. He didn't even bother to turn around. 

"Um Lucas? I'm right here?" You responded, an eyebrow raised.

"What do you mean-" Lucas turned around. He spotted you hanging onto Mike's shoulders and groaned.

"What? You worried that I'll get lost and won't ever find you guys again?" You teased. "Also, I'm pretty sure that I don't sound like Max. I don't think our voices are the same," you said, looking over at Max.

She shook her head. "He got antsy when we realized you weren't with us. But I saw you over with those two over there," she said, nudging her head in the direction you came from. "I just didn't say anything."

Lucas scoffed. "Well sorry that I care."

You started giggling and soon you were laughing so hard that tears were forming. "Oh please. You know I always seem to find my way back to you guys."

You wiped the tears away from your eyes. "Oh, there are people already starting to head back. Should we go as well?" Eleven asked.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I'm sweating a lot," Mike said. "Let's just head back and we can go back to my house or something."

"Sure. I'm down," you said, removing your flag from your shoulders.

You guys were walking back when you saw Carter again. His eyes were pointed down, guiltily looking at the ground. Your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

'What happened? I should go talk to him,' you thought, starting to break from the group.

"Hey guys? Just keep walking. I'll catch up to you guys in a minute," you said, running towards Carter.

You approached Carter cautiously. "Carter?"

He looked at you. "Oh Y/N! What's up?"

"Is everything alright?" You asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Everything is fine. I'm just waiting for Jackie. She bumped into someone she knew from her old high school," he said, tucking his hands inside his pockets.

"Oh alright then. But you looked sad. If this is about earlier, just remember that you are amazing and perfect in every way. If anyone says anything else about you, I'll give them hell," you said, grinning.

"You know I'm older than you right?" Carter said, laughing.

"Oh please. Older or not, I'll still beat someone's ass for being rude to my friend."

"Thanks Y/N. But I'm alright, really this time," Carter said, ruffling your hair.

"Alright then. Stay safe okay?" You said.

"Yeah, I know. You too squirt," he said, giving you a smile.

You waved goodbye and started running towards your friends. They were already way up ahead.

"Alright, I'm back," you huffed, walking next to Eleven. "What did I miss?"

"Nothing much," Eleven responded. Their hand reached to interlace with yours.

It was something that El had gotten used to doing. You introduced Eleven to Max. But it took painstakingly long for them to get together. When they first saw each other, it was love at first sight.

"You guys want to get ice cream before we go to Mike's house?" Will asked.



"I'm down."

Midway through the walk back, Lucas broke out into a sprint, shouting "Whoever is the last one to arrive at Starcourt had to buy everyone ice cream."

After that, everyone started to run back towards the arcade. Unfortunately for Lucas, he had to buy everyone ice cream.

"It's ironic, isn't it. Lucas was the one who called out the challenge but he had to pay anyway," you said, licking your ice cream.

"Oh shut up. I forgot how fast you people can bike," Lucas retorted.

You all had to pitch in a little bit but Lucas had paid the majority. A few minutes of silence passed until you suddenly spoke.

"You know, I'm really glad we all went to the parade." You smiled.

"Oh please, it was a pleasure going with all of you."

"I'm really glad we all went as well (N/N)."



"It was really nice going with everyone." 

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