~Chapter 10~

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Bakugous POV

"This is the building." I crept to the corner of the building. It seemed to be a large warehouse. "Look there's Allmight." Deku whispered from beside me. I looked up and saw Allmight drop to the ground just outside the door, accompanied by a group of several other pro heroes. As they went to kick the door open a sickening scream sounded from the other side of the wall.

"No Bakugou we have to be strategic about this, if we just walk in there we could get hurt." I sprinted to the door, ignoring everyone's shouts of protest. "Shut the fuck up Deku. They have Y/N. I can't let them hurt her. I don't care if I die saving her, I would risk my life if that's what it takes." I could feel warm tears sliding down my face. Wiping them off, I built up as much sweat as possible. I could feel my skin become slick and a heavy scent of vanilla wafted up to my nose.

Taking a step back I activated my quirk, blasting down the door and revealing Y/N's unconscious body. "Y/N!" I rushed to her side. Her face was cracking and falling apart like porcelain. Blood trickled from her hairline, dripping over her eyes and lips. An arm, that I could only assume was Y/N's, was on the floor to my right.

I felt a presence behind me, unfamiliar, and dangerous. Standing up I twisted to face the person. "What the fuck have you done to her?" I saw a face I wish I didn't recognise. "Shigaraki." My voice came out in a growl, scaring me but I kept my composure. "How did you know?" He smirked sarcastically. "Hard to forget a face like yours." Another growl.

"I simply set up a trap. I wanted my cousin dead and the hero to. Although you arrived sooner than planned. She's clinging to life, but I doubt she will make it." His smirk somehow got bigger. I felt sick to my stomach. "You're going to pay for what you've done." I ran at him but before I could get a hit in, Allmight dropped from the ceiling screaming 'I AM HERE'. "Young Bakugou take young Namari and get to safety!" Allmight smiled at me before turning and punching Shigaraki in his crusty ass face.

I gently picked up the breaking girl and grabbed her arm before sprinting towards her house. We weren't that far away and by the time I got there, Aizawa sensei was holding the door open. Recovery girl waved us over to the couch and helped me to lay her down safely. A bunch of medical equipment littered the room.

"Thankyou Bakugou for rescuing her. She means everything to me." Aizawa bowed deeply. "She means everything to me to. I would do anything to keep her safe and happy." We both looked towards Y/N. Recovery girl had done everything she could to help her. "I need to call in an old friend to fix her arm. He can reattach limbs and body parts so give me a couple minutes to call him."

Recovery girl hobbled out of the room. After a minute her voice sounded, faintly. I walked over to the couch and knelt down, taking Y/N's hand gently. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I tried so hard to keep you safe. I failed you Y/N." A tear fell down my cheek followed by another and another, until I was crying more than I ever have. "Please don't leave me. I love you." I kissed her hand.

Aizawa placed a hand on my shoulder. "Shell be ok. I raised her for most of her life, she's strong." I kept my head down. "And she never shuts up about you. She likes you a lot." At his words I looked up. I could barely see his face through the tears, but I could tell he was being genuine. Recovery girl walked back into the room. "He's on his way. Should be here any minute."

A knock on the door signalled that he had in fact arrived. A tall, scrawny man entered the room holding a briefcase. "Hello, I'm Dr. Fenton. My quirk allows me to use my own energy to weld skin, bone and other living organisms together. This briefcase contains foods and drinks to keep my energy up. I'm afraid you're all going to have to leave the room except for Recovery girl. This may take a while so try to relax."

Dr. Fenton closed the door behind us as we left. "Well kid all that's left to do is wait and see how it goes." He placed a hand on my shoulder in reassurance. "Thanks sir.."

~Art by @WA_36962~

~Hatred Heart~ (Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now