~Chapter 6~

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"So, it's my day to shout lunch for everyone so what does everyone want?" I looked around at everyone cautiously. Kirishima could sense I was anxious and gave me a pat on the back. "Ill have the usual, so will the others." His genuine smile calmed me and I looked where the red head had pointed. "Bakubro go with Y/N and help her with the food." His still wide eyes flicked to me and he nodded before shakily standing up.

"Whoa dude are you ok?" I rushed over to him in fear he would collapse. He leaned into me before seeming to realise the position he was in, and I was pushed away gently. Bakugou stalked off towards the line and I ran to catch up to him. "Why did you post that video? I know it was you who sent it to the rest of the school." I kept my gaze on the grey tiles under my feet. I felt him look towards me for a couple seconds. "Because I don't like you. Never have and never will. Now let's just hurry up and get the food so we can eat." Without any hesitation he was off again, walking at an even faster pace to avoid further conversation.

We finished getting the food before heading back to the table. Lunch flew by and we were once again in class.

"Today you will be doing your training in your hero costumes. This is to help you get used to wearing your costume in the field. Your task today will be a rescue mission. In Ground Beta, you will be going into an office building to rescue 3 civilians. A severe earthquake struck the area of the building but due to the interior of the office, not everyone was able to escape. Your job is to split into teams and each focus on one civilian. This is the most efficient way to do a rescue if your away of how many civilians are trapped."

As Shota finished his last sentence, a bunch of panels in the wall slid out and opened, revealing small grey cases with names engraved on them. Everyone rushed forward, ignoring Iida's strict instructions to form a single file line. I waited at the back of the crowd until I could get to my costume. I'd become reasonably close with the other girls and decided that for the first time, I would change in the girls change rooms.

I grabbed the case and rushed off to the change rooms. I've never been in there and my heart was racing at the thought. Everyone had already left the classroom and I could see a couple students heading towards Ground Beta. Not paying attention to where I was running, I rushed into the first change room looking door I could see. I decided to stand in the corner of the room and quickly change as there was no cubicles.

I peeled off my jumper and shirt before unbuttoning my skirt and letting it drop around my feet. My shoes were placed under the corner bench with my socks stuffed inside them. I took out the hair ties holding up my space buns and shook my head to let the soft strands loosen into its natural state. To open the case, I had to use a code that I had saved into my phone. Thankfully I had kept it in my pocket at lunch and input the code on the keypad.

The lid opened to reveal a black and grey suit with coral pink accents. I put on my boots and skort. My small fingers struggled to do up the corset like cloak but eventually I was able to secure it around my waist. I grabbed a brush and ran it through my hair to prepare it for the tight braid I had planned with my costume. This time my nimble fingers braided my long hair with ease tying it up with both hair ties for extra protection. I pulled the hood up over my head and bundled up my things.

As I turned around to go put my things in my locker, I realised I had a half-naked audience. Kaminari whispered my name before dropping to the floor, a trickle of blood escaping his nose. A matching blood trail ran down Mineta's face, mixing with the drool coming from his mouth. Kirishima seemed unbothered and more confused as he spoke. "Y/N? Why did you come in here to get changed?" I felt my cheeks become as red as Bakugous was. Wait, Bakugou is hardcore blushing. I changed the topic and turned to face Bakugou. "Are you ok?"

A smirk grew on my lips obviously flustering him more. Without saying a word, he grabbed his tank top and slipped it over his head before grabbing the rest of his costume and putting them on. Mineta began to speak, eyes not leaving my tightly clothed chest. "He'th been blethed by the body of a hot ladie. Of courthe he'th not ok. He'th probably in heaven. Who knoth what kind of thingth are going through his head? Probably thinking about those gloriouth boobth- "A purple ball dropped to the floor at the strength in Kirishima's attack.

"What the hell man? That's not manly at all." The blood and saliva mixture pooled on the floor beneath Mineta's face. At hearing this, Bakugou stiffened and began rubbing the back of his neck. I caught a glimpse of his face as he rushed out of the room. It looked as if he'd been called out, his face had grown impossibly redder and he looked embarrassed as hell. "Thanks, Kirishima, I didn't mean to come in here I just wasn't paying attention to where I was going." Now it was my turn to be embarrassed.

He walked up and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Its ok, we all make mistakes. I'll see you out there, ok?" He gave me a genuine smile before exiting the room. I grabbed my things and followed him out, getting to my locker after he left. Once all my things were in their place, shoved in with my books, I made my way to Ground Beta to start my training.

~Art by @shocorubbish~

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